A-Z Solomon's Compass Style: Nate Brady

Welcome A-Z bloggers!
And everyone else, of course :)
My A-Z posts are all about my new book, SOLOMON'S COMPASS.
Read the A post to learn who AJ is.

Nate Brady here.

I don't live in Rock Harbor, but I do fly down from the Panhandle every month or so. Often enough to have a house here. Nothing fancy, but it has a dock and some elbow room.

Used to be when I came down, a group of us fished all day, drank and played poker all night. Slept for a few hours, and did it all again the next day. Sometimes more. A few of us are still around. A couple of them got married again, one died, one had to sell his bay house when the market dropped a few years back.

Least I didn't have that worry. There's a lot to be said for running cattle on land that's been owned by my family for generations.

We added some new people to our group, but it's not the same. I even bought another boat, hoping to learn how to sail. That's not turning out the way I thought. The thing is at the boatyard more than at my dock.

I probably should have stopped coming down here, but I couldn't get the saltwater out of my blood. Or the women who come here to have a good time. I'm here every chance I get.

And I'm much too familiar with Will Knox's boatyard.


Obviously there's a reason he keeps returning.
Anonymous said…
I wonder why he do keep returning.
Good read.

Nick Wilford said…
Nate sounds like a real man's man. (Well, not literally... he's a ladies' man. You know what I mean!)
Linda G. said…
Another fascinating character, Carol--you're great at creating those!
Unknown said…
I really like how you're introducing the characters to your book this way. I'm learning even more about them.
LR said…
Sounds intriguing, Nate ;)
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - Well, yeah. A few.

Yvonne - Carol will be most happy to give you the answer...in the book.

Nick - You know how it is.

Linda G - Carol created a few of us here.

Clarissa - I'll pass on your comment to Carol. We enjoy getting out of the story.

Heather - I'm the one having fun!

LR - That's the point :)
Bish Denham said…
I wonder how his cattle ranch is doing what with this drought and all...
Margo Kelly said…
:) Love how you're shedding more light on the characters!
Oh...I thought this was gonna be a post by someone that knew Tom Brady.
Julie Flanders said…
Curious about why Nate keeps returning to Rock Harbor. Another interesting guy!
Carol Kilgore said…
The ranch is all right, Bish. We had enough winter moisture to do us all right for a while. Depending on the spring, we may need to take a larger than normal group to auction. I've seen worse.

Margo - We're raising the blinds a little.

Michael - I don't know that guy. Wouldn't mind meeting his wife.

I have needs, Julie. Rock Harbor fills them. Mostly.
Misha Gerrick said…
Hmm... I wonder who he's returning for... ;-)
Luanne G. Smith said…
I think if I lived in the panhandle of Texas I'd try to get near the water as often as possible too. :)
Sounds like a great place to visit. Your book sounds like it's really good. Enjoy reading your postings.
Nate sounds like a man I would um...like!

Ciara said…
I love your characters, Carol. I can't wait to read Solomon's Compass.
Carol Kilgore said…
This is Carol. Nate had something urgent to take care of. He'll be back later.

Misha - You'll have to read the book to find out :)

Luanne - Same for me!

Brenda Kay - I'm glad you're liking things so far. Thanks for telling me :)

Nas - He was unattached the last time I saw him.

Ciara - Cool!
Golden Eagle said…
It sounds like he has stronger ties to the place than might first appear!
Helena said…
Nate sounds like a real character (play on words here).

Love that he has a boat but barely uses it. Me? I'm ashamed to admit that I can get seasick.
Donna Smith said…
You know I forget that Texas has ocean, too! Great idea for a theme!
Carol Kilgore said…
Golden Eagle - Perhaps :)

Helena - He IS a real character - LOL.

Donna - Welcome to the Tiki Hut. Hope to see you again.
Emily R. King said…
Nate Brady sounds like a fun guy to hang out with!
VR Barkowski said…
"...the women who come here to have a good time?" Tsk tsp, Nate. Maybe Nate should explain why is boat spends more time at the boatyard than at his dock? :)

VR Barkowski
Carol Kilgore said…
Nate still hasn't returned.

Emily - Nate has painted a rosy picture of himself.

VR - I didn't expect Nate to tell why his boat stays in the boatyard. After all, it couldn't possibly be his fault. Nothing is ever his fault. But I see he does know how to attract women.
Tui Snider said…
Maybe Nate has a secret crush on someone and that's why he keeps returning? Hmm...

~Tui, from A to Z challenge
Twitter: @mentalmosaic
blog: Tui Snider's Texas, Travel, Photos & Reviews
Welcome Nate. I do love the way that all of you are adding layers to our understanding of Rock Harbour. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
He itches to be there. I understand.
Returning all the time? Why? For who?

Writer In Transit
Carol Kilgore said…
Tui, EC, Medeia, Michelle - Nate said to tell you he's sorry he couldn't be here to chat with you. He said Rock Harbor calls to him.
