A-Z Solomon's Compass Style: Nate Brady
Welcome A-Z bloggers!
And everyone else, of course :)
My A-Z posts are all about my new book, SOLOMON'S COMPASS.
Nate Brady here.
I don't live in Rock Harbor, but I do fly down from the Panhandle every month or so. Often enough to have a house here. Nothing fancy, but it has a dock and some elbow room.
Used to be when I came down, a group of us fished all day, drank and played poker all night. Slept for a few hours, and did it all again the next day. Sometimes more. A few of us are still around. A couple of them got married again, one died, one had to sell his bay house when the market dropped a few years back.
Least I didn't have that worry. There's a lot to be said for running cattle on land that's been owned by my family for generations.
We added some new people to our group, but it's not the same. I even bought another boat, hoping to learn how to sail. That's not turning out the way I thought. The thing is at the boatyard more than at my dock.
I probably should have stopped coming down here, but I couldn't get the saltwater out of my blood. Or the women who come here to have a good time. I'm here every chance I get.
And I'm much too familiar with Will Knox's boatyard.
Good read.
Yvonne - Carol will be most happy to give you the answer...in the book.
Nick - You know how it is.
Linda G - Carol created a few of us here.
Clarissa - I'll pass on your comment to Carol. We enjoy getting out of the story.
Heather - I'm the one having fun!
LR - That's the point :)
Margo - We're raising the blinds a little.
Michael - I don't know that guy. Wouldn't mind meeting his wife.
I have needs, Julie. Rock Harbor fills them. Mostly.
Misha - You'll have to read the book to find out :)
Luanne - Same for me!
Brenda Kay - I'm glad you're liking things so far. Thanks for telling me :)
Nas - He was unattached the last time I saw him.
Ciara - Cool!
Love that he has a boat but barely uses it. Me? I'm ashamed to admit that I can get seasick.
Helena - He IS a real character - LOL.
Donna - Welcome to the Tiki Hut. Hope to see you again.
VR Barkowski
Emily - Nate has painted a rosy picture of himself.
VR - I didn't expect Nate to tell why his boat stays in the boatyard. After all, it couldn't possibly be his fault. Nothing is ever his fault. But I see he does know how to attract women.
~Tui, from A to Z challenge
Twitter: @mentalmosaic
blog: Tui Snider's Texas, Travel, Photos & Reviews
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