Is It Spring Yet?
I ask because I'm usually ready for spring right around Valentine's Day. If you follow the science, our spring here is like a month later than its usual arrival. I live northwest of Houston, and the normal date for our last freeze is February 26. This year we had a freeze sometime around March 20. So it's not just me.
Finally last week tiny baby leaves poked through the bark on our elm trees. And I saw a monarch butterfly on our milkweed plants. If I'd had my camera, I would've taken a shot and shared here. So beautiful. I hope he tells his buddies to come visit the new Milkweed Cafe. The food is fresh and the location is great :)
I have a secret to share. I started writing the second book of my new series. I've only just begun, but it's off to a flying start. The series is centered around two sisters. The first book was told by the younger sister. In this one, the older sister gets her turn. The first book will be available before you know it, so stay tuned.
That's about it from here, except that I am busy doing real life family things all this week. It will be the weekend before I'll be able to respond to comments here and to visit your blogs. But I'll get around to everyone, even if it takes longer than the weekend.
In the meantime, y'all be good and have fun. Happy Easter and Happy Passover.
Enjoy your real-life family things.
Happy Easter!
Our rule of thumb for planting is "after the first full moon in June" *sigh*
Looking forward to book 2!!
Happy Easter.
We often have our last freeze this week, but looks like the freezing is finally over.
Natalie - This new series is a lot of fun. I hope readers think so, too, and spread the word.
Jemi - At first I thought we were going straight to summer, because on Wednesday, it was 95. But now we're back to 40s at night, so cooler in the day. There's a little hope that spring will stick around a while.
Elizabeth - Thanks! I'm now exploring a different part of the overall mystery genre, and I'm loving it ♥
Alex - Congratulations on your new CassaDark release!
I wasn't aware of a Milkweed Cafe in San Antonio, so I Googled. If there is one, they don't know of it either. I did find one in Boston, though. On Tremont Street.
Diane - I'm sure you're ready for spring to arrive, too.
Liza - The bonus for you is that your summers are not nearly as hot as ours. I love the summer season, but not so much the hot-hot part down here.
Christine - Thanks! Good luck with your writing, too. I love daffodils. They always look so happy.
Ah, yes, spring it late everywhere. A month late is harsh.
Lynda - Appreciate the good wishes :)