Bluebonnet Ballerina
As you may have guessed, this month's blog is almost entirely about Gracie's newest book, Bluebonnet Ballerina. The release date for the book - Book 2 of The Amazing Gracie Trilogy - is Monday, July 9.
Until then, the Kindle edition of Bluebonnet Ballerina is available for pre-order for only 99 cents. After July 9, the price will be $3.99. So pre-order now, and the book will be delivered to your Kindle reader or app on the release day.
You all know Gracie is multi-faceted, so in addition to the special pre-order pricing for Bluebonnet Ballerina, I'm also hosting a Goodreads Giveaway for the first book of the trilogy, Jalapeno Cupcake Wench. If you'd like to enter or share the link with others:
This giveaway is for 20 Kindle copies and runs from now through July 11. If you haven't read Jalapeno Cupcake Wench and want to read this trilogy, now's a great time to start. Enter the giveaway today!
And then, July 16 is the first day of a three-week book blog tour for Bluebonnet Ballerina. I don't have stops yet, but when I get them, I'll come back here and update this post. UPDATE: These links are on the July 16 blog post.
I'll be giving away a $50 Amazon gift card over the length of the tour, and you can enter to win at every stop. Enter early, enter often :)
Good luck!
Until then, the Kindle edition of Bluebonnet Ballerina is available for pre-order for only 99 cents. After July 9, the price will be $3.99. So pre-order now, and the book will be delivered to your Kindle reader or app on the release day.
You all know Gracie is multi-faceted, so in addition to the special pre-order pricing for Bluebonnet Ballerina, I'm also hosting a Goodreads Giveaway for the first book of the trilogy, Jalapeno Cupcake Wench. If you'd like to enter or share the link with others:
This giveaway is for 20 Kindle copies and runs from now through July 11. If you haven't read Jalapeno Cupcake Wench and want to read this trilogy, now's a great time to start. Enter the giveaway today!
And then, July 16 is the first day of a three-week book blog tour for Bluebonnet Ballerina. I don't have stops yet, but when I get them, I'll come back here and update this post. UPDATE: These links are on the July 16 blog post.
I'll be giving away a $50 Amazon gift card over the length of the tour, and you can enter to win at every stop. Enter early, enter often :)
Good luck!
I'll be back here on Monday, August 6.
Natalie - Thank you ♥
Diane - Yes. And tired :)
Murees - I'm glad you like it. Thanks for your good wishes!
EC - Oh, I forgot that. So much going on. I think the pre-order may be for US residents only, too. I don't remember. My little tiny brain is overloaded. Apologies.
Julie - Great! Thank you :)
Mark - Thank you.
Susan - Cool♥ Counting down.....
Jemi - Yay!
Jo-Anne - It is exciting. And a lot of work. But tons of fun :)
Hearty congrats and yep, I'm taking the liberty of sharing your post.
Congrats, once again.
I love your covers, Carol!
Lynda - Thanks! All good wishes accepted :)
Michelle - I know... the countdown continues :) Ada Frost is an amazing cover designer. I ♥ Her.