Bluebonnet Ballerina

As you may have guessed, this month's blog is almost entirely about Gracie's newest book, Bluebonnet Ballerina. The release date for the book - Book 2 of The Amazing Gracie Trilogy - is Monday, July 9.

Until then, the Kindle edition of Bluebonnet Ballerina is available for pre-order for only 99 cents. After July 9, the price will be $3.99. So pre-order now, and the book will be delivered to your Kindle reader or app on the release day.

You all know Gracie is multi-faceted, so in addition to the special pre-order pricing for Bluebonnet Ballerina, I'm also hosting a Goodreads Giveaway for the first book of the trilogy, Jalapeno Cupcake Wench. If you'd like to enter or share the link with others:

This giveaway is for 20 Kindle copies and runs from now through July 11. If you haven't read Jalapeno Cupcake Wench and want to read this trilogy, now's a great time to start. Enter the giveaway today!

And then, July 16 is the first day of a three-week book blog tour for Bluebonnet Ballerina. I don't have stops yet, but when I get them, I'll come back here and update this post. UPDATE: These links are on the July 16 blog post.

I'll be giving away a $50 Amazon gift card over the length of the tour, and you can enter to win at every stop. Enter early, enter often :)

Good luck!

I'll be back here on Monday, August 6.


One more week until release day!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
I know you're getting excited. Congrats!
Murees Dupè said…
Congratualtions, Carol!🍾 The book cover is gorgeous. I hope you get tons of sales🍰.
Woo Hoo. And happy dances. So very close now.
I am told that only members of the US are eligible to enter your giveaway. Good luck to all.
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - I know! We're all excited here :)

Natalie - Thank you ♥

Diane - Yes. And tired :)

Murees - I'm glad you like it. Thanks for your good wishes!

EC - Oh, I forgot that. So much going on. I think the pre-order may be for US residents only, too. I don't remember. My little tiny brain is overloaded. Apologies.
cleemckenzie said…
Great good luck on this next one! Huge congratulations!
Julie Flanders said…
Oh wow less than a week until the big day! Congratulations!! I will definitely be sure to help spread the word. I hope you and Gracie have a fantastic month. Woo-hoo!
Mark said…
Cool! Congrats, Carol! :)
I'm looking forward to it! I already pre-ordered. Now the waiting begins...
Jemi Fraser said…
I've got my preorder in!!! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Lee - Thanks!

Julie - Great! Thank you :)

Mark - Thank you.

Susan - Cool♥ Counting down.....

Jemi - Yay!

Jo-Anne - It is exciting. And a lot of work. But tons of fun :)
klahanie said…
Hey Carol,

Hearty congrats and yep, I'm taking the liberty of sharing your post.
Best wishes for your new release. I'm super excited for you.
Five more days until release? YAY!
Congrats, once again.
I love your covers, Carol!
Carol Kilgore said…
Klahanie - Thank you for sharing my post. That's wonderful! And very much appreciated, too.

Lynda - Thanks! All good wishes accepted :)

Michelle - I know... the countdown continues :) Ada Frost is an amazing cover designer. I ♥ Her.
