Friday's Top Ten
The top ten typos I make over and over and over:
10. hear for here
9. here for hear
8. to to or do do for to do
7. its for it's
6. it's for its
5. comapny for company
4. adn for and
3. hlep for help
2. the for they
And the #1 typo I make over and over and over:
1. Crol for Carol
10. hear for here
9. here for hear
8. to to or do do for to do
7. its for it's
6. it's for its
5. comapny for company
4. adn for and
3. hlep for help
2. the for they
And the #1 typo I make over and over and over:
1. Crol for Carol
My favorites to make are: her for here, form for from.
I often type "read" for "red," and "know" for "no." Homophonic typos are my specialty.
Ok Terese
Ok for real this time Teresa
There and their is my most common.
Have a great weekend!
Talli - Sometimes I type the wrong word, too. Or type a mishmash of letters and wonder what I meant when I go back over it.
LR - Don't know, but what a strange word for both of us to mistype in the same way. I guess the left pinkie must travel faster than the right one.
Linda G - I have my share of those.
Hi Terse. Nice to meet you. Crol
Slamdunk - I don't much mess those up, but sometimes there for they're.
VR - Smart woman!
Delores - Could be.
Alex - Ya never know :)
Oh I make a lot of them too!
You said your husband laughed out loud at The Long, Long Trailer a few weeks ago on TV. My sister and I laughed until we cried when we saw it that long ago time in our childhood! (Thanks for stopping by!!)
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs
Julie - You, too. Crol may not answer, LOL.
Johanna - I know the difference, too. Fingers have minds of their own.
Elspeth - Embarrassing, right?
Yvonne - Made you smile :)
Michelle - You'd think we'd all be beyond these kinds of goofs. But no!
Ann - He really loved it.
RaShelle - The seems to be a major typo magnet.
Sounds like a sea monster!
I make lots of mistakes.
alot for a lot is a good one.
Heather - Or the name of an evil gnome :)
Take care
Have a good weekend!
Michelle T - I'm guessing more like the bird. Yeah. "I gotta crowL!"
I hate to think how many letters and emails I've signed as Shrilly. :)
That may even beat Crol!