Life Happens

 Some of you may have noticed that I never made it to your blogs last month. I hate to tell you, but most likely I won't make it there this month either.

I want offer apologies for last month and an explanation. Husband had a medical emergency and spent a few weeks in the hospital. He's home now and recuperating. So thankful.

With him here 24/7, it's a busy time. Plus various home health people dropping in whenever. 

All that said, I probably won't make it to your blogs this month either. I just wanted to catch you up with what's happening in my world.

I'll be back here when things settle into a routine... which I hope will be sooner rather than later.

If it's more than a bit until I'm back here, I wish you all a happy summer or winter, depending on your hemisphere.




Very sorry to hear about your husband. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
H. R. Sinclair said…
I'm so sorry. I hope your husband is recovering well. I wish you both well and for a quick recovery.
Natalie Aguirre said…
So sorry to hear about your husband's medical emergency. I hope he heals fast. And it's important that you focus on him now.
Liza said…
I hope your husband recovers soon. Blogs will be here when you are ready.
I'm so glad your husband is back home where you can give him love and care. Hugs to you and wishes for his speedy recovery.
I am so glad to hear that he is home recovering - and know just how much that impacts on your day. Look after yourself as well as him.
Hope your hubby is better soon and glad to hear he's out of the hospital. Recuperating at home is so much easier. Take care of yourself, too!
