My How You've Changed
The other day, I was thinking about how much I've changed over the past few years. We all change every day, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how much I've changed as a writer and as a reader.
So writing first. I've always loved reading fiction, but when I started to write it seriously, I quickly learned that I knew nothing. I took classes, read books, joined a couple of really fantastic online critique groups and a couple I couldn't leave fast enough. I started with short mystery fiction. It was a great teacher. I sold a few stories; one won an award.
But novels were and still are my true love. So finally I wrote one. It's still in the drawer, but I scavenge bits and pieces from time to time. Then parts of two more stories and a full second novel that is also still in the drawer. The first was a police mystery. The second, a thriller.
Then came romantic suspense, heavier on suspense than romance. Those were the first published. Then Gracie, adding in some paranormal elements. And currently the House Witches, women's fantasy fiction.
A lot of changes, a bit of growth, and a more confident me, although most days you wouldn't know that if you could listen to what's going on in my head when I write.
During this same time period, my reading preferences and habits also changed. I began to read outside my preferred genres of thriller and romantic suspense . I read books that went deeper into character. I read funny rom-coms and funny mysteries. I read all sorts of things.
Then covid struck the world. And with it, major social upheaval. I could no longer read the things I had always loved. I didn't want my head in that space. There was too much drama in real life. Now I'm mostly a totally lightweight reader. And I suppose lightweight author as well. The House Witches have just about all the serious drama I can handle. And if you've read them, you know that's not much.
How about you? Has your reading and/or writing changed? If so, how?
P.S. This month marks The Beagle's third Gotcha Day! We're all in love ♥
And I think it's good that you're branching out with your writing. Many successful authors write in different genres and for different age groups these days.
Happy Gotcha Day. We just adopted a rescue (about 6 weeks ago)!
Diane - I love to cook. I like finding new recipes and ideas and making them my own.
Natalie - I read mostly adult fiction. I think it would be difficult for me to write young adult or children's fiction.
H.R. - Fantasy is fun! Rescues are awesome ♥
Elizabeth - Exactly like a switch! I read Dean Koontz occasionally. I like the way he strings words together.
Karen - There have been a few times in my life, too, when I haven't been able to read. And other times when all I want to do is read.
Jemi - I mostly read to be entertained in a fun way.