Here it is, five o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and I just realized tomorrow is Blog Day.

So let me tell you about my year. The month we just finished up. September was wild and wooly for me. Normally when I release a new book, I have everything ready a month ahead of time. With this one, I barely slipped in under the wire of having things ready a week ahead. During the entire writing, editing, pre-production, and Amazon-related duties, everything under the sun happened to keep me from doing things on my schedule for days - and sometimes weeks - at a time. This was both in real life and within my own little writing universe.

Somehow, everything came together. It was a miracle. A mini-miracle for sure, but nonetheless, it counts. The book went live on September 25. It's the best release I've had so far. And I thought the last one was pretty darn good. Amazon even awarded it a little red banner. And the book already has a few good reviews.

Now I'm wondering if in the past I tried too hard to make things as perfect as possible. Maybe the magic touch is trusting my gut when it says Move on. You don't need to recheck that. Leave it!

After this blog, I'm taking my annual couple of months off for the holiday season. I'll be back in February. Until then... Be spooky. Be thankful. Be merry. And still be here in 2024.

Oh, and in case you haven't seen it floating around social media, here's the book that got written in spite of interference from everything else:


Congratulations! Maybe you work better without those strict guidelines and deadlines?
H. R. Sinclair said…
Congratulations! Glad to hear it was a good release. Enjoy your time off.
Natalie Aguirre said…
Glad things worked so well with getting out your new book release. Have a great break!
Carol Kilgore said…
I just realized I forgot to give this post a title. Somehow that feels appropriate.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
It did come together though! Enjoy your holiday break.
Congratulations. I am so very pleased to read that you had a great release. Enjoy your totally deserved break.
Congrats on your new release!!
And yeah, I have done (am doing) the same ie, waiting for perfection rather than trusting my gut.
Jemi Fraser said…
The book is SO good! I love Charli and Brielle!
Enjoy your break!
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - I work best with a schedule and routine. The past year I've had to deal with chaos. I do well organizing myself, but not others. And certainly not all the random acts of nature and machines.

HR - Thanks. Hope the upcoming holidays are good for you.

Natalie - I totally forgot to send you the info on my book. Next time :)

Diane - Yes! I intend to. I have plenty to keep me active and busy.

EC - I intend to. Have a wonderful spring!

Lynda - Trusting your gut is sometimes hard, but so worth it. At least for me.

Jemi - Thanks! So glad you liked it. I have a long list of things to do. And a solid idea for the next book, too :)

Nas said…
Congratulations! Awesome that it all fell into place!
Carol Kilgore said…
Hi, Nas!
Thanks. I think so too, LOL. It was iffy there for a bit.
