What? It's April already?

 "It was the best of times... it was the worst of times."

What do I mean?

It's blog time again. I love connecting with everyone! AND I have no ------- idea what to write about this month.

Ideas usually come to me when I sit in front of the screen, but this month? Nada.

What did occur to me in the span of about five minutes? I marked them all off.

Spring. Again.

Flowers. Again.

Happy things.

Kindness. Nope. Everyone talks about it. And I am actually seeing some of it in action and hearing about other bits. I try to practice it myself. But I share memes about this all the time on Facebook, so... go there for kindness this month :)

Love songs about April.

Funny things dogs do.

Funnier things cats do.

Something actually about writing.

What being an indie author is like.

And a few more ideas that might not be appropriate to share here.

But I did come up with half an idea, even if it is one I've blogged about before. I think. But it's been a while. So here we go. Texas towns with, shall we say strange pronunciations.

In alphabetical order:

  • Gruene  -  GREEN
  • Iraan  -  EYE-ra-ANN
  • Leakey  -  LAY-key
  • Manor  -  MAIN-er
  • Palacios  -  puh-LASH-us
  • Salado  -  suh-LAY-doh
  • Uhland  -  YOU-lund

So there you have it. It's my official blog about not-much-of-nothing for this beautiful month of April.

Maybe I have spring fever.

Happy April Blog Day!


Liza said…
In Australia, quay is "key." I always liked that one.
Natalie Aguirre said…
Glad April is beautiful. We're just starting to get warmer weather here. Sorry you haven't been too inspired to write, but maybe your half-idea or a new one will inspire you. Have a great month!
Glad that your April is beautiful - and your half idea is more productive and entertaining than any of mine.
April is a hopeful month, isn't it? Good to hear you're having a nice one!
Janie Junebug said…
Liza, quay is key in the U.S., too. When I lived in Illinois, some town names had strange pronunciations. We lived in Cantrall, which I thought was can-trall until the locals snickered at me for saying it that way. It was cantrull. Athens was long Aaaathens. The pronunciation of names can be even more interestering. My Penelope would be shocked to learn that some people think the last part of her name is the same as antelope.

Jemi Fraser said…
Wow - those names are fun! Easy to spot the tourists!
Carol Kilgore said…
Liza - In Spanish, the QU sound is pronounced as a K, but that's all my knowledge about that. But with the A in quay, seems like it would be kay instead of key. Local pronunciations are interesting, I think.

Natalie - I'm inspired to write my WIP but definitely wasn't inspired to write a blog this month, LOL.

EC - But you take lovely photos!

Elizabeth - April is one of my favorite months :)

Janie - Here's to AAA-thens :) Love Local!

Jemi - Yup!

I never would've guessed Palacios was pronounced that way!
Wow, Palacios definitely got me, but pretty sure I wouldn't have pronounced any of these correctly. April in Colorado is snow one day, 80s the next. I don't mind it, but my sinuses do!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Odd names. (Toad Suck, AR will always be a favorite of mine.)
Karen Baldwin said…
Hi fun post. My daughter lives in San Antonio, I used to get caught on BEXAR, also Boerne, and Huebner.
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - Strange but true.

Shannon - Your April is more like our March. We nearly always get our last cold snap right before Easter, no matter when Easter is. We were at 90 on Tuesday. Today we'll be lucky to get out of the 50s. And next week is back to the 70-80s.

Diane - I laughed out loud! Love Toad Suck :)

Karen - So true. BEAR, BUR-nee, and HEEB-ner.
Bish Denham said…
If there's one thing you can count on about Texas, it's that the pronunciation of that county/town/street isn't going to be what you think it is. Bexar...Bear/Bare? Really? :D
Carol Kilgore said…
Bish - It's that silent X or breathy H sound from the original Spanish. Bexar was some Spanish nobleman's last name, I believe.
H. R. Sinclair said…
Blogging can be tricky when ya don't know what to blog about! 😁 But ooo, my mind goes to spring flowers too.
Carol Kilgore said…
HR - This year the wildflowers here have outdone themselves. Totally gorgeous.
I had a giggle at some of the strange pronunciations.
Carol Kilgore said…
Lynda - Leave it to Texans... we often do our own thing :)
