The Amazing Gracie Trilogy, Book 2 - Cover Reveal

Gracie's been waking me up in the middle of the night for a couple of weeks now.

"Is it time yet?"
"No. I need sleep. Go away."
"No. I can't talk to you now."
"You're no fun when you're sleepy."
"Don't wake me up, then."
"Sorry. I'm just excited."
"Go be excited with someone else."

Last night, I told her people could see the cover in the morning. So for you, and for Gracie, here's the cover for Bluebonnet Ballerina, the second book in The Amazing Gracie Trilogy.

     Gracie Hofner returns, and chaos reigns—including a couple of ghosts trying to save their granddaughter. But as Gracie dances from problem to problem, she’s unaware the music has been orchestrated into a murderous symphony.
     When a different melody reaches Gracie’s ears from a guitar played by the new tenant living in her garage apartment, her tension vanishes. She listens unseen, cocooned in the shadows on her patio, and wonders who he’s longing for—and how it would feel for a man to crave her that much.
     She can’t dwell on those thoughts, however. Problems of murder and missing prisoners abound. To say nothing of the ghosts. No one ever said being a law enforcement consultant would be easy.

     Bluebonnet Ballerina follows Jalapeno Cupcake Wench and is the second book in The Amazing Gracie Trilogy.


In other news - sort of - Gracie has also been bugging me about jalapeno cupcakes. You remember those luscious dark chocolate cupcakes with a little hint of jalapeno heat. And the creamy dark chocolate frosting.

Now you can be a Wench and bake those yummy jalapeno cupcakes in your own oven. I have the recipe!

Join my newsletter, and I'll share it with you.

Just click here to sign up.

I'll be back here on Monday, July 2 with much more from Gracie
and news about the release date for Bluebonnet Ballerina.
See you then   


Cool colors on the cover.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Are you going to share that recipe?
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - Thank you. All thanks to my cover designer, Ada Frost. She's awesome!

Diane - Join my newsletter, and I'll send it to you. It's currently limited to newsletter subscribers. Subscribe here:

Elizabeth - Thanks. Ada Frost made it happen ♥
H. R. Sinclair said…
Congrats! I love the color and design. Summer release? Who can wait until July? LOL
Carol Kilgore said…
EC - Smiling :)

HR - It will be here before you know it.
Jan Christensen said…
A beautiful cover. All your covers are great! Good luck with the launch.
Natalie Aguirre said…
Love the cover, Carol! It's gorgeous!
Carol Kilgore said…
Jan - Thank you! Good luck wishes always accepted :)

Natalie - Thanks. I love it, too!
Christine Rains said…
Great cover! I love that title. :)
Crystal Collier said…
Fun times! Don't you love it when characters nag? There's nothing quite so fun as when they live vivaciously in the real world and the mind.
Mark said…
Cool! As for jalapeno in my cupcakes, not sure I'm that bold yet:)
Unknown said…
Lovely cover. The colors really pop.
Julie Flanders said…
Ooh I love the cover!! Gorgeous colors!! Congrats and I hope Gracie is satisfied. ;)
cleemckenzie said…
Fantastic cover! And I'm looking forward to more of Gracie. She's the best.
Great cover! I don't blame Gracie for being impatient. So am I! Looking forward to book 2.
Jemi Fraser said…
Fabulous cover!!!!! :)
Bish Denham said…
Love the cover, Carol!
Carol Kilgore said…
LD - Thank you!

Christine - Thank you, too. Ada Frost is amazing!

Crystal - Gracie is especially lively :)

Mark - Sure you are! They're not that hot/spicy. I'll bet Branwen would down one in a heartbeat ♥

Jody - Ada Frost did a wonderful job.

Julie - Gracie gushed. She's happy and quiet. For now :)

Lee - Thank you! I'm so glad you like her ♥

Susan - Wonderful! Soon... I promise.

Jemi - Thank you :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Bish - Thanks. Looks like we crossed. Maybe that means good luck for both of us - ya think?
A big congrats!! Bet Gracie is excited ;)
Stephen Tremp said…
The eternal struggle that will always be with humanity right there.
dolorah said…
Awesome!! Its very cool.
TL said…
Gorgeous colors--so eye-catching! I'm excited for book 2!
Carol Kilgore said…
Lynda - Gracie is excited... talking nonstop.

Stephen - Thanks. Good to see you here!

Dolorah - Thank you. I love Ada Frost more every day :)

Tara - You and Gracie need to get together and chat :)
I love, love, love the ballet shoes cover!
It's bright and bold and... pops out!
Carol Kilgore said…
Michelle - Thank you :) ♥
DMS said…
Great cover! Love the colors! Congratulations- so exciting! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Jess - Thanks! Ada Frost did an amazing job :)
