Quick! Answer the Phone!

Keeping it short at the Tiki Hut for those of you doing A to Z. So since this is A to Z Day Q, here's a quick Q is for Quirky real-life incident.

My sister and I are a lot alike. I may have mentioned that here before. The other day she sent me an email. I'll just let you read it so you can see for yourself. She knows I'm sharing it with you.

My fortune cookie from lunch says “a romantic mystery will soon add interest to your life”. HUM

And get this: We’re sitting here eating lunch and I’m reading this article about the best and worse pickup lines in Houston. So, I’m texting one to M----. (This is her husband. I took out the letters and replaced with dashes.) It says, “Nice legs. What time do they open?”

Now remember I have a phone that I can barely operate. I’m texting (the pickup line to M----) and when I get to the end I’m looking for a question mark; heaven only knows what button I pushed, but at the end of open, the phone starts typing what the guy that is here fixing our copier is saying.

So this is what came out on my phone:
“Nice legs. What time do they open sometimes you have to push it all the way in if it’s cold

You can't make this stuff up.

In my website contest news, the Author of the Month for April is Texas author Helen Ginger. Helen is giving away a signed copy of ANGEL SOMETIMES, a USA Best Book Award winner. You can learn more about Helen and her books here on her blog and on her website: http://www.helenginger.com 

To enter, click the big WIN button at the top of my right sidebar. It takes you directly to the contest page on my website: www.carolkilgore.net/contest/

Read the rules, choose your answer to the question about the photo, fill out the entry form, and click Submit.

Winner will be drawn after 6 pm on April 30.
This month’s contest is open to U.S. residents only.

I'll see you back here on Monday, May 4!


Nick Wilford said…
The perils of the modern world! She'll remember that one. I bet a lot of us will. :)
You're right, you can't make that stuff up!
Hart Johnson said…
*snicker* Looks like maybe missing a question mark is more drastic than missing a period...
hahahahaha. And that is life.
Carol Kilgore said…
Nick - So true!

Alex - Right.

Hart - LOL! Good one.

Teresa - Cheers to Life!
Jan Christensen said…
Well, I can't stop laughing. Life surely is often stranger than fiction.
Anonymous said…
The Universe has a 'Quirky' sense of humour.
Bish Denham said…
OMG! That is too funny! **snort, giggle, heehee, snort**
Robin said…
Priceless. Absolutely priceless.
~Sia McKye~ said…
OMG, I'm cracking up here. You and your sister remind me of my sisters and the odd text now then. And now I have to share this with hubs. It will tickle his funny bone, too.

Sia McKye Over Coffee
Phew! I thought for a moment she was going to send the text to someone inappropriate by accident!

Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep
Lovely to see you pop in. Sometimes I think that 'smart phones' were invented to show a lot of us up. Me included.
Love that text though.
Jemi Fraser said…
Yikes!! Sometimes I think my phone has a mind of its own as well :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Jan, Delores, Bish, Robin - I see we all share the same warped sense of humor :)

Sia - Sisters are the best!

Annalisa - That could've easily happened, too, LOL!

EC & Jemi - I've sent a couple of texts that were a bit strange myself :)
Anonymous said…
Ha ha. :D

I'm very careful texting or emailing on my phone. I prefer emailing from my computer--the fewest mistakes that way.
Helena said…
Yeah, sometimes it just takes a little more effort when it's cold to get it in all the way.

And since I'm the one in the office who replaces the photocopier's parts, I know what I'm talking about.

LOVE how those two lines got mixed. And yes, your sister sounds just like you.
Oh my goodness this made me laugh talk about funny
Anonymous said…
That is truly hilarious! I'm about to go to bed, and that made my evening. And I can so relate to the "I can barely use my phone." Mine's a new Android that I have to keep asking my friend to help me with.

Happy rest of April...
Julie Flanders said…
Too funny! And seems like something that would happen to me LOL
Carol Kilgore said…
Medeia - Same with me.

Helena - Well, you know exactly what she means, LOL!

Jo-Anne - Cool. Laughter is always good.

Ann - Husband has an Android. I love my iPhone. Much more user friendly in my view. Glad you enjoyed the true funny.

Julie - Yes, well me, too :)

Unknown said…
Haha! That is hilarious! But they have a phone now that will type what people say?? I can't believe I didn't even know about that...
LD Masterson said…
Can't comment. Too busy laughing.
DMS said…
I am laughing out loud. That is hilarious and you really can't make that up. :)

Thanks for the introduction to Helen's book!

Ava Quinn said…
So funny, Carol! Loved it.
This is such a great story, Carol! A perfectly quirky post for "Q!" Your family must have the best get-togethers!

Jennifer Shirk said…
Ok. That made me chuckle out loud!
cleemckenzie said…
Okay, I'm laughing. Thanks for getting my day off to a great start.
Carol Kilgore said…
Jess, Ava, Jennifer and Lee - Ha! Ha! Made you laugh :)

Julie - We do have great get togethers!
Chrys Fey said…
That is hilarious!!!! I can't stop laughing!
Emily R. King said…
Haha! This is why technology is not always our friend.
It's Kelley! said…
That is so funny. I think my phone has gremlins too. The other day my son got a random text from me that said "That's pretty and I think I would like to buy it." I have no idea when I ever said that!

Kelley’s Dog Blog - The A to Z of Dog Shows
Unknown said…
haha! this cracked me up
Robyn Campbell said…
Hehehehe, funny. You cannot make this stuff up. I hope all is well, Carol. I told Alex that I needed to stop by and visit you.
Quirky is so much fun -- and you're right -- it's impossible to think up some of the weird stuff that happens in real life.
Carol Kilgore said…
Chrys - I know the feeling. I couldn't either when I read her email.

Emily - Exactly.

Kelley - LOL! That's a good one, too.

Beth Ellyn - Cool! Laughter is always good.

Robyn - Good to see you. Stop in anytime. The door's always open.

Patricia - Some real life stuff is so odd no one would believe it in a novel.
Melissa said…
ROFL! That's a better voice to text story than 'I saw God in chicken thighs." (I'm going to thaw some chicken thighs.)
Carol Kilgore said…
Melissa - LOL! Hope you enjoyed those chicken thighs :)
Michael Di Gesu said…
HI, Carol,

I am not surprised but certainly entertained. LOL! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.
Carol Kilgore said…
Michael - Great weekend! Wishing the same for you :)
That is absolutely hilarious. And, I might say, a big improvement on the original line. If that doesn't win over a woman's affections I don't know what will.
Carol Kilgore said…
Beer - Those magic words every woman wants to hear, LOL!
Oops! *chuckling*
The perils... or is it joys?... of modern technology. He! He!
Carol Kilgore said…
Michelle - Some days it's a toss up!
TBM said…
Oh don't you just love technology. We used to go to a place called Roggies. When I would text people, my phone would change it to orgies. So my message would read: anyone up for orgies tonight
Carol Kilgore said…
TBM - That's hilarious! I'm still giggling.
That story about the phone message snafu is hilarious... and sounds like something that would happen to me. If I had a cellphone. Which I don't. And never will, because I just KNOW I'd end up getting myself in trouble with it.

Darn, I forgot to enter your April contest. Rats.

Happy weekend!
Carol Kilgore said…
Susan - We've had cells only for so long that it's hard to imagine a landline now.
Nas said…
Gail said…
That is so funny! Only one of the reasons I don't have a phone.

Thanks for visiting.
Carol Kilgore said…
Gail - Keeps you on your toes :)
