SECRETS OF HONOR is now available!

Where I'll be this week:

Monday, 9-15           VR Barkowski

Tuesday, 9-16          Julie Flanders

Wednesday, 9-17      Jemi Fraser

Thursday, 9-18         Bish Denham

Friday, 9-19             Susan Swiderski

Why this is important:

The day has finally arrived - SECRETS OF HONOR is now available on Amazon in print and Kindle editions.

You don't need a Kindle to read a Kindle book. Amazon has several alternatives, all or most of them free. But if you love holding that book in your hands and sniffing paper, that option is available, too.

Print copies are available at Amazon and may be ordered from your favorite bookseller as well. Kindle, of course, is Amazon only.

I'm out and about this week, and I hope you'll stop by and say hi. To entice you a little bit, I'm giving away a $5 Amazon Gift Card at each blog. Winners will be drawn over the weekend, and winners names will be posted here next Monday. And yes, it's possible to win more than once. Probably not too likely, though :)

Purchase Kindle edition here:

Purchase paperback edition here:


Congratulations, Carol! Enjoy your release week.
WOOHOO!!! Happy Release Day,Carol!!
Mason Canyon said…
Congratulations on the release day of SECRETS OF HONOR. Have a wonderful release week.
Congratulations Carol!!!! Your day is finally here :-)
Carol Kilgore said…
Hi, All! Looking forward to seeing you around this week. I much appreciate all the good wishes.
Unknown said…
Congrats! Will Tweet.
Carol Kilgore said…
Clarissa - Thank you :)
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on the new book... hitting bookshelves everywhere I'm sure.
Luanne G. Smith said…
Yay! You're getting to be quite prolific, Carol. Congrats!
Carol Kilgore said…
Delores - I hope so :)

L.G. - I wish I wrote faster!
Bish Denham said…
YEAH! So happy for you Carol. Surely we could meet half-way, say in Boerne?
Congrats on the release and on the contests! We'll be sure and check you out wherever you go!
Congrats Carol!!!! I'll have your info on my blog later this week.

Is this #3? Just to think, I knew you back when you were nobody. :) Hee hee.
Carol Kilgore said…
Bish - After the craziness is over.

Beer - Cool! And thanks :)

Teresa - Works for me. Yes, #3. I'm still the same. Just a few more people recognize my name now. Most are like...who?
Woo Hoo. Congratulations. Now breathe again. Remember how to do that? Slowly...
Gwen Gardner said…
Congratulations, Carol! Hope you have an awesome release week tour <3
VR Barkowski said…
Happy release week for SECRETS OF HONOR! Congratulations, Carol! Now you can sit back and relax. HA!

VR Barkowski

Melissa said…
I'm so excited for you!

(I gave your book a reminder release day mention today. ;)
Carol Kilgore said…
EC - I think I need to get through this week before I can breathe normally again :)

Gwen - Thank you :)

VR - You are SO funny! I'm having a great time at your blog.

Melissa - Oh, cool! Thanks :)
Congrats, Carol!!! Exciting times!
Anonymous said…
Happy book birthday. Huge congrats.
Carol Kilgore said…
Thank you, Lynda, Medeia, and Jemi!
Helena said…
A glorious happy release day to you! May Secrets of Honor sell by the millions. I'll be buying a paperback 'cause I'm old-fashioned that way.
Ava Quinn said…
Hooray!! It's here! Have a fun release week!
Carol Kilgore said…
Helena - I like millions :)

Ava - I hope to make the most of it!
Janie Junebug said…
Congratulations. I wish you great success.

Carol Kilgore said…
Thanks, Janie and Diane!
Pat Hatt said…
Congrats on the release!
Happy Book Release Week Carol!
Rock on!
Chrys Fey said…
I have the Kindle App on my PC. :D Congratulations on your release, Carol! I wish you much success!!
Carol Kilgore said…
Pat and Michelle - Thanks :)

Chrys - Same to you! Great to meet you.
Now who's being a social butterfly? Have fun flitting from blog to blog. I'll do my best to have my "garden" ready for you on Friday.
Christine Rains said…
Congratulations! Solomon's Compass was absolutely amazing. Can't wait to read this one. :)
Crystal Collier said…
Yippee! I've been around and seen some of your tour already, and I'm so stoked for you. Have some cheese, eh?
H. R. Sinclair said…
Congrats! Are you able to breathe yet? :)
Jennifer Shirk said…
I've been meaning to come here earlier. CONGRATS!!!!!
Carol Kilgore said…
Susan - I'm looking forward to Friday's visit!

Christine - I appreciate your kind words.

Crystal - As a matter of fact, I have some jalapeno jack cheese that I'm planning to break out for lunch :)

Southpaw - I'm breathing every once in a while, LOL!

Jennifer - It's a wee bit hectic this week :)

Cherie - Thank you.
Mark said…
Congrats, Carol! Keep the tour going strong:)
Carol Kilgore said…
Mark - Thanks! Never look back :)
Carol!!! That is so wonderful. Congratulations!!! You're my idol!
Carol Kilgore said…
Dawn - I've never been an idol for anyone before. So I'll just say thanks. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations :)
Unknown said…
Awesomesauce! Huge congrats to you!

(Sniffing paper sounds like a new kids' drug thing. Hahaha!)
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nick Wilford said…
Congrats! Hope you had a great week!
Launna said…
Congratulations on the book release Carol... that is awesome...:-)

Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog.. Thank you for dropping by... have a great day ;-)
Carol Kilgore said…
Lexa - LOL! "Nose in a book" would have a whole other meaning :)

Nick - Thank you! I did, and I wish the same for you.

Launna - My pleasure. Great meeting you.
cleemckenzie said…
Great release, Carol. Good for you.
Anonymous said…
Way to go, Carol -- congratulations! Looks great.
Vallypee said…
Congratulations, Carole! How exciting is that? Well done on another successful release!!
Carol Kilgore said…
Val - It is exciting! Thank you. Now I think it's nap time - I'm tired :)
