Is it the weekend yet?

Tuesday, September 30, is the last day to enter this month's contest to win a copy of
Clarissa Draper's
All you have to do is click the big button at the top of right sidebar to go to the contest page and enter. Don't miss your chance!

A new contest begins on Wednesday, October 1. 
The October Author of the Month is Susan Swiderski. She will be giving away one signed copy of HOT FLASHES AND COLD LEMONADE and one copy of OLD BROADS WAXING POETIC.

Click the big button on Wednesday or later to enter!

Hope all of you had a great weekend and enjoyed some of your favorite things.

Here are some of the highlights of my weekend:

Lunch with my sister on Saturday. We live a couple of hours apart, so every month or so we meet halfway-ish for lunch. There are a few spots we like, and one of them is at The Rim, in San Antonio.

Usually when we meet there, one or both of us has shopping to do. This time it was both of us. Our family birthday season begins in October and runs through December. Knocked out a huge portion of that. Yay!

It's better when we shop together when we're giving gifts to the same person/people. We think much alike, and on Saturday there were several times we found ourselves interested in the same items. People look strangely at two women playing rock, paper, scissors in the aisle :)

Just part of one bag from one store:

Date Day with Live-In Handyman on Sunday. We shuttled out to a town about an hour away to play, eat barbeque, and poke around in little shops.

All in all, a wonderful and relaxing weekend. A NORMAL weekend, and exactly what I needed. Hope your weekend was just what you needed, too.

What did you do? Anything exciting?


With edits done, I finally enjoyed a normal weekend.
That's great you and your husband have date nights. (Or rather date days.)
Mason Canyon said…
I would have loved to have seen the rock, paper, scissors episode. Sounds like you had a great weekend. Love the title of Susan's book, HOT FLASHES AND COLD LEMONADE makes me wonder what it's all about. Hope you have a great week.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
That's cute you both tend to pick out the same gifts. My husband and I like the same things and we've almost purchased the same gifts for each other.
Luanne G. Smith said…
I was thrilled to discover a new restaurant in my town this weekend that serves New Mexican cuisine. SO good. Felt stupid to learn they'd been there a year and a half already and I'd never noticed.
Awesome date night! I love doing those with the wife from time to time. And my weekend was spent marrying my co-author. Though, not in the sense that that statement usually implies...
Bish Denham said…
Sounds like you had a mawvelous time, dawling.

Had a nice week-end with my hubby, too. Saturday lunch at a local Chinese restaurant, Sunday drive in the country. Breathed in the clean cool Hill Country air. We can feel the seasons changing here. All we need is MORE RAIN.
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - Congrats on finishing your edits!

Mason - I love Susan's title, too. We have other ways of working things out, but they're not suitable for public display :)

Diane - We've always done that. Husband and I have given each other the same gifts before, too!

Karen - Quiet weekends are awesome!

L.G. - Lucky you! We lived in New Mexico for a while - love the food!

Beer - I saw all the photos on your blog. Congrats to all of you!

Bish - I really notice the light being different. Our rain was awesome, but you're right - we need much more.
Janie Junebug said…
I got laid. Twice.

That sounds like a most excellent weekend. A couple of years ago my partner and I gave each other the same gift for Christmas. And, naturally, both love it.
This weekend? Hard work - but productive.
Love Hot Flashes - and the poetic old broads are wending their way to me already.
Unknown said…
I've had a terrible weekend but I'm trying not to think about it. But, on a happier note, I'm so thankful you promoted my blog. You're absolutely amazing!
Melissa said…
I wrapped up Follow Fest and then I worked to 12-hour nights. I like your weekend better. :P
Carol Kilgore said…
Janie - Best. Weekend. Ever. Yay!!!!!

EC - I love when that happens. Productive weekends are usually great ones, too :)

Clarissa - Push that bad weekend to the curb and tell it to take a hike. I love promoting others! Myself, not so much.

Melissa - I like mine better, too :)
DMS said…
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! How cool that you and your sister meet half way once a month to share a meal and chat (and shop). :)

I spent a lot of time outside this weekend- it was back up in the 80s, so I didn't want to miss a minute!
Tim and I have never done date nights or date days he can't see the point we also don't do anything for Valentines Day
Jemi Fraser said…
We went to a family wedding - fun, but FAR too many hours in the car!!
Helena said…
You deserve a great weekend, a date night, and some relaxation after launching your newest book and all your hard work. I envy the way you and your sister can get together regularly.

Love the titles of Susan's books, so I'll watch out for them.
Glad you enjoyed your outing with your sister, and special date day with hubby! Congrats to Clarissa! I loved Susan's Hot Flashes, and appreciate the plug for Old Broads!

Carol Kilgore said…
DMS - Since we moved to San Antonio, it's the first time my sister and I have lived near each other since we each married. We're taking advantage of that!

Jo-Anne - The past few years, Live-In and I have each been so busy with our own things that we have to schedule time together or it doesn't happen, other than at dinner and in front of the television. It's fun!

Jemi - Boy, do I know what that's like!

Helena - I'm still tired, but getting back to normal.

Julie - My sister and I always have fun together. As do Live-In and I - but in a different way :)
cleemckenzie said…
You made me want that kind of weekend, Carol! I think last weekend was editing and writing and catching up on a few story commitments.

Thanks for letting me share your time away.
VR Barkowski said…
Had a wonderful weekend with Indian summer temperatures. Of course nothing was accomplished writing-wise, but it was worth it. :)

Congrats to Clarissa and Susan on their new releases (and contests!)

VR Barkowski
Christine Rains said…
That sounds wonderful. My excitement for today was getting my cast off, and then on Friday, I'm going with my son's preschool to the apple orchard. Lots of fun! :)
M Pax said…
Lovely sounding weekend. Today is my Sunday. I don't have conventional weekends anymore.

It's been cold, so we're hanging out. Husband Unit was the tech help at last night's writers guild meeting. So he did author stuff with me.
Carol Kilgore said…
Lee - It was our first weekend in a while, and it was wonderful!

VR - I know what you mean. Just taking time to enjoy :)

Christine - Yay! Glad the cast is history :)

Mary - Cold? 90s here. That's cool y'all can do author stuff together.
We had a super fantastic weekend visiting friends in Tennessee from Friday until Tuesday. However, it's entirely possible that we MAY be getting a little old to be staying up until 4 AM every night swapping lies and playing board games... (NAAAAAH!)
Carol Kilgore said…
Susan - Never too old :)
Jennifer Shirk said…
Sounds like a fun weekend! I went to see Pitbull in concert in Atlantic City with three of my girlfriends.

My family's birthdays are Oct-Dec too. Added stress around the holidays. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Oh, fun!
Definitely added stress :)
Anonymous said…
I catch up on sleeping, writing, and cleaning every weekend.

Happy Friday.
Dee said…
Dear Carol, last weekend I drove into the Plaza in Kansas City to have lunch with a friend of sixty years. We had a scintillating conversation and ate delicious food, but when I tried to turn right onto a busy street I almost hit four people. Fortunately I didn't and they escaped my carelessness. But my insides quaked all the way home. Peace.
Carol Kilgore said…
Medeia - I wish I could do that. Well, probably the cleaning still wouldn't get done :)

Dee - Oops! Let's hear it for Guardian Angels :)
menopausal mama said…
Sounds like you had fun! Last weekend I went to an Oktoberfest in downtown Ft. Lauderdale--we had a blast! This weekend I'm looking forward to a few quiet evenings out in my backyard garden with a bottle of wine!
Carol Kilgore said…
Menopausal Mama - A quiet evening with a bottle of wine sounds like heaven!
Unknown said…
A normal weekend...what is that like? Thanks for showing me since I think I've forgotten. :P

(I didn't forget your contest mention in the Fri Freebies, but I forgot returning IWSG comments can be so time consuming and I haven't even been to others' IWSG posts yet... My "Celebration" post will go up next Fri with your mention.)
Carol Kilgore said…
Lexa - No worries. The contest to win Susan's books runs all month.
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Fowler likes to poke around in little shops. I like making her laugh in the quieter ones. We haven't been kicked out yet, but I hold onto hope.
Carol Kilgore said…
Milo - Must be a man thing :)
Julie Flanders said…
Yay for Susan! I already have her books so I won't enter this month's contest.

Hope this weekend was just as nice for you Carol. I realized I am a week late here LOL.
Carol Kilgore said…
Julie - No worries :) This weekend was our semi-annual neighborhood garage sale. Weather was awesome, and we all had fun.
Brian Miller said…
nice...sounds like an enjoyable weekend...first weekend free from grad school coming up...and i am so looking forward to doing nothing...ha...

i have heard of the lemonade book...think i read a review on someones i will def be entering...
Carol Kilgore said…
Brian - Enjoy your upcoming no-load weekend!
