Happy September!

Monday is Labor Day here in the U.S. - the last official holiday of summer. I needed an excuse In light of that, I thought it was appropriate to post a couple of summery beach shots :)

Galveston, Texas

Cape May, New Jersey

Kauai, Hawaii

Port Aransas, Texas

Also, the beginning of a new month means a new contest on my website. This month I have a real Author of the Month doing the giveaway on my website. Wanna know who it is?
Clarissa Draper
Clarissa's giving away a pdf or mobi copy (winner's choice) of her latest release, THE ELECTRICIAN'S CODE to five separate winners! Stop by my website and enter to win. It's fun!

September 1 is the release day for Stina Lindenblatt's new novel: Let Me Know

This shouldn't be happening again.

Amber Scott thought her screaming nightmares would end now that her stalker is locked up and awaiting trial. But they return when her slam-dunk case starts to fall apart. Explicit letters she allegedly wrote surface, suggesting she was the mastermind behind her assault, a willing victim.

Amber only feels safe in the arms of her boyfriend Marcus, the one person she can lean on. Until damning evidence from Marcus’s past collides with the case and the media circus drags them both down. To protect Amber’s reputation, Marcus has only one option: end their relationship. He won’t risk further damage to her case, even if it means breaking her heart.

Amber has to find the strength to step into the spotlight and bring awareness to victims’ rights before she’s convicted in the court of public opinion. And she’s really not sure what’s worse—that her kidnapper could walk free, or that the seemingly endless attention and speculation will drive Marcus away permanently…

See how it all began for Amber and Marcus in Tell Me When.

Buy Links:
iBooks Canada: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/let-me-know/id889893484?mt=11&uo=4

Last, but far from least . . . September is National Literacy Month.

If you would like to participate in this event, please visit C. Lee McKenzie's blog and sign up.


Mason Canyon said…
Oh, to be on the beach today. Great photos, Carol. Congratulations to Stina on the release of Let Me Know. I'm off to find out more about National Literacy Month.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
You visited a lot of different beaches. We didn't even make it to one this summer.

Congrats to Stina.
Carol Kilgore said…
Mason - I'd love to be there, too!

Diane - We only made it to one. So far. I'm hoping to make it to another in the fall.
Jemi Fraser said…
So much goodness!
Congrats to Stina!!
VR Barkowski said…
The only beach I made it to this summer was Dead Horse Beach. I won't explain how it got its name, but I will tell you the beaches above look much more inviting.

Huge congratulations to Stina!

VR Barkowski
Anonymous said…
Great author news and I'm sad to see the summer go. We returned to school two weeks ago, so it felt like the end of summer, even though it's still blazing hot.
I'll gladly take those summery beach shots. Our summer was full of nothing but gray skies, constant rain, and cold weather. It feels like we didn't even have summer!
Carol Kilgore said…
Jemi - Beaches and reading just kind of go together :)

VR - I won't ask!

Medeia - I'm sad to see it go, too. It was late arriving, and I'm not ready for cool weather just yet. It's still blazing hot here, too. And that's fine by me right now.

Beer - Sorry to hear that. Let's hope next year brings a better summer for you.
Loving your beach. And beaches and books belong together.
Unknown said…
I love the shots! Thanks for hosting me in September! I'm going to do a blog post soon about it.
When I was younger I loved the beach but not so much any more
Janie Junebug said…
Literacy is a great thing. Your beach shots are great. I never go to the beach. Isn't that ridiculous? At least I've begun going to a pool to swim.

Oh how I'd give anything to be on the beach right now!! I usually go every summer. This was the first summer I didn't go since 2009!
Nice beach pics. One of my daughters lives in Texas and goes to Galveston quite often.
Carol Kilgore said…
EC - I agree!

Clarissa - Thanks for participating. A blog post will be cool :)

Jo-Anne - The sea energizes me.

OE - I need a beach fix every so often :)

Richard - The contest photo on my website is from Galveston - a shop in the Strand district.
Rula Sinara said…
A person can never enjoy enough beach pics ;). I love beaches. Congrats to Stina and Clarissa on their releases and here's to National Lit month!
Robin said…
I am assuming that you took all of these pictures... if so, that is wonderful. I love to travel. Wish I did more of it. I also find the water to be very soothing. I don't love going in it, but I could sit beside the ocean and just enjoy the sounds and smells for a very long time.
Mark said…
It's Indian Summer here, so it's sort of like the "real" summer for us now. Also, I love the pic of Kauai:)
Julie Flanders said…
I wish I was on one of those beaches right now. I visited Cape May years ago and had almost forgotten about the trip until I saw this pic!

Signed up for Literacy Month, such a great idea. Congrats to Stina and best of luck to Clarissa!
Carol Kilgore said…
Janie - Oops! I somehow missed you up there on my last go around. I'm gonna blame it on the dogs :) I don't seem to be able to stay away from the beach.

Rula - So do I!

Robin - I'm not a fan of going in the water either. Beach, harbor, dive bar on a pier - I'm good with all of it. I just need a saltwater infusion from time to time.

Mark - Here we have almost summer, summer, and still summer. Followed by hunting season :) We're still in summer.

Julie - I agree about Literacy Month. We went to Cape May a couple of years ago. Had a great time!
Crystal Collier said…
Wahoo! I love Stina's branding. She's got such a wonderful look and feel about her work.

Somehow I missed (or forgot--don't put that one past me) that you're doing monthly giveaways. Super cool! I'm off to check it out!
H. R. Sinclair said…
Great last days of summer pics.
Melissa said…
Those photos put our neighborhood pool to shame. LOL

Congrats, Stina! :)

IWSG #179 until Alex culls the list again.
Carol Kilgore said…
Crystal - Great! And I agree about Stina's work.

Holly - Thanks. Glad you like them.
Carol Kilgore said…
Melissa - We crossed. They put ours to shame, too :)
cleemckenzie said…
Great beach pictures and I'm in love with your contest. Thanks so much for letting me win! I'll be posting about that Friday.
Carol Kilgore said…
Lee - Glad you like the contest on my website! I had nothing to do with letting you win, however. All I do is punch a button, and the program tells me who won. I'll check out your post tomorrow :)
Stina said…
I wish we had beaches like that in/near my city. But we have the mountains instead. :)

Thanks, Carol, for taking part of my release day blitz!!! xox
Love the photos...makes me want to take off for the beach!

Congratulations to Stina!
Ha, I love your beach shots, especially the second one.
mshatch said…
Wow. I haven't been to the beach in years - even though I live a mere 20 minutes from one. Hmmm. Must rectify.
I also love the beach shots! I'm all signed up for Literacy Month. Thanks for the reminder!

Carol Kilgore said…
Stina - I love the mountains, but I love beaches better :)

Romance Reader - Just do it!

Lynda - Thanks :)

Marcy - Shame on you, LOL! The summer rush has past - now's a great time.

Julie - No problem :)
We haven't been to a beach yet this year...but soon. Very very soon.
Carol Kilgore said…
Susan - Excellent! We're hoping for the fall...fingers crossed :)
Anonymous said…
What? No SoCal shots? Don't know if I can forgive that...but I'll do my best.
Carol Kilgore said…
Milo - I've never been to SoCal. Maybe one day :)
Nas said…
Love all the beach photos!
Carol Kilgore said…
Nas - Thanks! Wish I was at one about now :)
