Tiki Top Ten: Will Spring Ever Arrive?

The top ten reasons why writers are ready for spring:

10. We're sick to death of dark and stormy nights.

  9. If there's one more snow day, we may not be responsible
     for our actions.

  8. Hot chocolate is beginning to lose it's appeal.

  7. The kids ate all the marshmallows on the last snow day.

  6. Sunshine! Singing birds! Real? Or fiction?

  5. We need the warm breath of spring to recharge
      our imaginations.

  4. The wine cellar is almost empty.

  3. We're starting to believe the cat actually likes us.

  2. Winter: the best of times, the worst of times.
      Now it's time for winter to go.

And the #1 reason why writers are ready for spring:

  1. The cabana boys are tired of making Irish Coffee.
      They've ordered an entire case of little paper umbrellas.

This Tiki Top Ten brought to you by
Icy Raindrops


Ok I am one of those weirdos that LOVES winter. So this winter has been heaven for me lol.
BECKY said…
Love your Top Ten, Carol! And, to OE above, I've never loved winter, but I love snow....mostly watching the gentle flakes fall from the sky...but this year??? Enough is enough!! Come on spring! I'd like to add something to your list, Carol. If it doesn't get warm pretty soon, I won't be able to fit into my recently acquired "skinny pants!" All the comfort food is beginning to add up....all over my body!
Anonymous said…
It's only february...a long way to warm weather yet....but I'm thinking about 'coffee on the porch' days.
Unknown said…
YES especially to #8 and #5.
I walked by the hot cocoa at the grocery store the other day and could only look at it in disgust.
And I'm so SOOOO ready for warmth, for tank tops and little paper umbrellas. :) You said it perfectly.
Gigi Ann said…
I agree, I want Winter To Be Gone, come on Spring I need some GREEN.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
LOL! Sadly, I'm sure the cat still doesn't like you.
David Oliver said…
All of these are just great! But number 3 is my fav. I tell people my cat loves me but I know what my son said is true - "If you get a dog, you get a pet. If you get a cat, you become a pet."
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - Absolutely the worst thing :)

OE - I like winter, too, but in small doses.

Becky - Uh, oh. Time for a trip to the gym.

Delores - It warms up much sooner in San Antonio. Spring Break here begins one month from today.

Raquel - I'm ready for our breeze to have a hint of the warm tropics instead of the icy Arctic.

Gigi Ann - Yes!

Diane - I'm sure you're correct :(

David - LOL! Great observation.

Karen - I like all the seasons, too. I like when winter begins early. But come the end of January, I've always had a yearning to be outside digging in the dirt. Maybe it's because I grew up along the Gulf Coast where we have much more hot than cold.
Linda G. said…
Yes! Bring on the umbrella drinks!
Yes, yes, and yes. It's so cold here that the ice just won't melt, meaning the entire state looks like a barren wasteland of black ice. How about a little color, mother nature? I'm sick of black and white.
Robin said…
Yesterday I walked the dog and just thought, "I am so lucky to live in Florida where it's warm and the sky is BLUE BLUE BLUE."

I hope your cabana boys are at least making the winter a bit warmer for you.
Isis Rushdan said…
Lol! So glad it feels like spring already here in Florida, where the wine cellar is NEVER empty :).
Ava Quinn said…
Good thing those Cabana boys are on the ball. But I don't think I'd ever tire or hot chocolate!
Luanne G. Smith said…
It's just been the worst winter!!! So cold and gloomy. Finally supposed to get into the fifties again this week. I hope so. I need my sunshine or I wilt. :(((

Seriously, I booked a quick vacation in California for spring break just so I could have a beach and sunshine to look forward to while I freeze under a blanket until March. :P
Love it! We're apparently about to get 18 inches or so of snow here in the sunny South! Can't believe this winter...
Unknown said…
If we don't have #10 then Snoopy will have nothing to write about!
I actually started a story that way in High School. My Teacher gave me extra points for liking Snoopy!
Liza said…
I just had my first hot chocolate last night. Does that mean there are still six more weeks of winter? Ugh!
Here I am yearning for winter. And would be more than happy to take yours off your hands.
I want to be able to snuggle into bed at night. And to perspire rather a lot less. And for chocolate to remain unmelted in the kitchen.
Shelly said…
Wherefore art thou, Spring?
Hot chocolate is beginning to lose it's appeal!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And here I am looking forward to winter again... ;)
Carol Kilgore said…
Linda G - The cabana boys just emailed you one :)

Beer - We have brown. And more brown. Sometimes wet brown. And sometimes little spots of white.

Robin - Cabana Boys in winter. Awesome :)

Isis - You and Robin both live in Florida. I may crash your parties :)

Ava - It does warm me up. But there are better ways LOL!
Anonymous said…
Winter barely touched us in Miami. It's spring for us. I feel bad for the people north of me with the crazy weather. Spring will come soon enough, though.
Jemi Fraser said…
Not sure I ever get sick of hot chocolate but I'm hoping for a sign of spring too. The 4-6 foot snowbanks are not helping at all :)
Janie Junebug said…
I keep telling Willy Dunne Wooters that we need to take a vacation where we'll have a private beach and a cabana boy to serve us fancy drinks with little umbrellas. He seems to think that would be too expensive. Cheapskate.

Yeah I love hot chocolate but by the end of winter I am so over it.
Susan Kane said…
When will it ever end? Wine gone, marshmallows...too much to endure.
Unknown said…
Go cabana boys! And your cat is lulling you into a false sense of security while it finalizes plans to take over the world...
Helena said…
No. 9 is way too accurate. If summer doesn't come really soon I won't be responsible for my actions...

I just read that two cups of hot cocoa a day help boost your memory. I think that I also mentioned this on another blog, but I can't remember which one! I'm also hoping to defrost soon. Great list Carol!

Rula Sinara said…
#10 LOL! And yes...3 boys and snow days...and another snow storm watch for this week. Calgon, take me away!
Carol Kilgore said…
Luanne - Enjoy your beach. It's 33 with drizzle outside now.

Elizabeth - 18" of snow! OMG. Hope you have a snow blower. Stay warm.

David - Smart teacher!

Liza - That's what the groundhog said.

EC - I'd love to share out winter with you!

Shelly - Spring is hiding in the hole with the groundhog.

Lynda - I think most of us here will be really happy to send our winter on down to you :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Medeia - We're having crazy weather today. Hope it's the last of it until next winter!

Jemi - That's a whopping heap of snow!

Janie - Just tell Willie Dunne Wooters you're worth it :)

Jo-Anne - I've been over it for a while now. I'm ready for flip flops!

Susan - Can I have marshmallows in my wine?

Lexa - About the cat ... I was afraid of that.

Helena - Yes. Writer Rebellion will rule.

Julie - Giggle :)
You're a funny lady.

Rula - Freezing here today. I need warmer gloves.
Jeff Hargett said…
They warned us winter was coming. They didn't say winter was staying.

We don't usually see much in the way of wintry weather here, but it's definitely overstaying its welcome this year. It's time for winter to pack its bags and head out, so we can start bitching about how hot it is.
H. R. Sinclair said…
Perfect! I couldn't agree with you more!
I heartily approve of this top 10 list.
klahanie said…
Hi Carol,

Ah yes, spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

A cat actually liking you? Calm down, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar. Human Carol must be kidding :)

And being in England, I must now go canoe to the store.

Slamdunk said…
Ha, even the kids are considering the repercussions for all of these snow days from school--they are asking will we ever get out in the summer?
Melissa said…
I'm not quite ready to let winter go. I love snuggling up to my laptop in PJs and fuzzy socks with the little treads on the bottom and having an excuse to stay there all day. :P

I love spring but not the pollen. I also have wayyyy to much stuff to do before release day! 0_0
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Carol Kilgore said…
Jeff - It's been hanging around San Antonio since early November. It's stinking like three-day old fish.

Susan - If it doesn't soon warm up, it may not have time to get hot enough to bitch.

Southpaw - And you live up there where it gets REALLY cold!

Theresa - Thank you, ma'am :)

Gary - I'm certain Penny is correct. Now you may go paddle your own canoe to the market.

Slamdunk - Jury is still out on that one.

Melissa - I got over the fuzzy socks the same day I got over the hot chocolate. Re pollen...we have MAJOR mountain cedar pollen here in January.

Shelley Munro said…
An empty wine cellar? Terrible. I'd blame it on the cabana boys ;)
Julie Flanders said…
LOL, but my cat does like me. I'm sure of it. :D

Cute list as always, Carol!
Carol Kilgore said…
Shelley - I did :)

Julie - Sure she does :)
cleemckenzie said…
If the wine cellar's empty you are in trouble. Let's hope that groundhog doesn't see his shadow this year! Here's to Irish Coffee and a cabana boy who rocks.
LD Masterson said…
Yeah, I could go for a little paper umbrella right about now. A cabana boy doesn't sound bad either.
Mason Canyon said…
I'm so ready for spring after 8 inches of snow in 3 days. That's not supposed to happen in Georgia. Carol, wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day.
Jennifer Shirk said…
HA! I'm totally ready for spring now too!
~Sia McKye~ said…
Nice post, Carol!

I usually don't mind winter, but this winter...Damn, I'm so ready for it to be gone and not come back for a couple of years!

I'm longing for daffodils and tulips.

Today, we saw the first real break in winter. We had rain and you could actually smell the earth this time. We're having a heat wave--temps in the 40's! Shock to my system but I'll take it.

Sia McKye Over Coffee
Carol Kilgore said…
Lee - We're rationing the wine ... but the cabana boys are rocking it :)

LD - Both!

Mason - Hope yours was awesome!

Jennifer - It's in the air!

Sia - Love that aroma! It's been a LONG winter in San Antonio.
Old Kitty said…
Oh but the kitties do like you, they do! Yes they do! :-)

Empty wine cellar - bad!
Cocktail hours - good!

Roll on spring! Take care
Anonymous said…
I'm abnormal: living in San Diego, I wish we'd have just a little winter weather. Rain would be nice.
Carol Kilgore said…
Old Kitty - Good to know about the kitties :)

Milo - I enjoy the seasons. Here in San Antonio, spring and fall are awesome. Summers are brutal - you gotta be Texas Tough! And winters are usually short and mild. This one has been wet and frosty and has been here since about Halloween. It's time for it to GO!
DMS said…
I agree! This writer is ready for spring! I love hot chocolate, but at this point I am ready for a fruity drink on the beach. Or on a patio. :) Come on spring! :) Great list!
Carol Kilgore said…
DMS - Yes! Yes! And YES!
Thanks :)
LR said…
I love your new blog banner! So cool.

We lucked out this season and had a bizarrely mild winter! Hope things improve for you guys soon.
Carol Kilgore said…
LR - I'm glad you like the banner! We had 80 on Saturday and 26 last night. Tonight it's supposed to sleet.
