Friday's Top Ten

First of all, I'm guest blogging today with Johanna Garth at her blog, Losing Sanity.

When I realized I would be blogging there on a Friday, I decided to have some fun with that. So I’m offering you ten things about me that you may not know – in a DOUBLE Top Ten format.

Ten answers are below.

So without further ado . . .

The top ten things you may not know about me:

10. Potato Chips

  9. IT by Stephen King
      as if you didn't know

  8. Spiders

  7. Curious

  6. 6.875

  5. 10, baby!

  4. Touch it
      Try to break it or throw it away
      Examine it for flaws

  3. Sean Connery
      Sam Elliott

  2. Ironman

And the #1 thing you may not know about me:

  1. HaHaHa!

What questions would make you give these answers?

To see the questions that elicited my answers, visit Johanna's blog!


DWei said…
The answer to number 10 is your favorite thing to put in a sandwich. Clearly.
6.875 has me curious...
Jennifer Shirk said…
Heading over to Johanna's now!
Clever way to get my attention! Now to find out the questions....
Linda G. said…
#6 could be "What was your mortgage rate before the refi?" ;)

I've never been able to read IT--clowns scare me enough as it is.
Linda Kage said…
Ooh, what a clever way to get us to visit your other post! I'm gonna have to find out what these all refer to now, though I really liked DWei's answer for the potato chips!!
Guess I have to go over now. :)
Unknown said…
Fun little scavenger hunt there Girls. Spiderman is someone I would take home to meet my parents. Superman is someone I would just take home.
~(Stolen quote--yes. Only it was originally about Fred Astair and Gene Kelly.)
~Just Jill
Inger said…
I can guess a few, but that 6.8--- has me curious.
Carol Kilgore said…
DWei - You need to check Johanna's blog. Clearly :)

Alex - Cool.

Jennifer - Great!

Karen - Whatever works :)

Linda G - You need to check Johanna's blog, too :)

Linda K - A woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do :)

Teresa - Guess so.

Jill - Love the quote!

Inger - Go find out :)
Summer Ross said…
Sam Elliot- for sure. LOL
Great fun!
mshatch said…
That was fun :)
Laura Eno said…
I could come up with some wild questions to fit...but I'll go find out the real ones. ;)
Rula Sinara said…
LOL, I love this. Just got back from reading the questions. Too much fun;)
Carol Kilgore said…
Summer - Smiling :)

mshatch - Thanks.

Laura - I am 100% certain of that!

CATachresis - "What's one of the reasons I like catnip?"

Rula - Great! Still smiling :)
Liza said…
Great voice choices...swoon!
Anonymous said…
Enjoyed the voice choices.

Helena said…
Okay, I only knew a few of these so I'm heading on over... (Heck, I wanted to go anyway.)
I went, I read, I smiled. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Haha, your answers made me giggle... Off to read the questions... :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Liza and Yvonne - Their voices are distinct and so different. But I love them both.

Helena - Cool :)

EC - You're welcome!

Michelle - Giggling is good :)
VR Barkowski said…
Okay, you got me. I'm on my way over to Johanna's. :)

VR Barkowski
J.L. Campbell said…
You're a clever one, Carol! Enjoy the weekend.
I guessed spiders and IT correctly, yay :)) And omgoodness, Sean Connery and Sam Elliot! I agree totally. This was fun!
Unknown said…
Of course my curiosity made me go to Johanna's blog for your guest post and the intriguing questions to your answers. Well played, O Devious One. :-)
randi lee said…
My question for "It" is "What was the first "grown-up's" book you ever read?"
I have to hop over to see the questions that elicited these answers. I hope you have a great weekend Carol :)
Carol Kilgore said…
VR and JL - Thanks for trekking over to Johanna's, too :)

Jo-Anne - I want some now. And I just finished breakfast. Sigh.

Words Crafter - What IS it that makes their voices so yummy?

Lexa - Since I write mystery and suspense, I guess it helps to be a little devious :)

Randi Lee - OMG! What an intro into the world of adult fiction!

OE - Thanks! Same to you :)
Are we allowed to invent some questions? No? I thought as much... could be a bit risky...
I'll pop over to check out the legit questions.
Writer In Transit
Anonymous said…
Is it one question for all or ten questions?

I'll hop over.
Old Kitty said…
Lovely Carol!!!

5) What would you do if you had a Ken dolly dressed as a firefighter?!?!


Take care
Carol Kilgore said…
Michelle - I wasn't brave enough to offer that option, LOL!

Medeia - You hopped already :)

Old Kitty - hahaha!
Nick Wilford said…
What a teaser! I'm going over.
Nas said…
Loved your answers but now heading over to read the questions!
Tina said…
Oh now that's clever...clicking over...By the way, award at my place for you tomorrow.
Tina @ Life is Good
Carol Kilgore said…
Nick - Just putting a little fun in the weekend :)

Nas - Cool.

Tina - I'll make a note to get over there.
