Friday's Top Ten

The winner
of one ebook copy
Please contact Julie through her blog.

Also, the winner of one ebook copy
of my book, IN NAME ONLY,
on Patricia Stoltey's blog
was Elephant's Child.

Congratulations to both winners!


The top ten reasons there are no polar bears at the Tiki Hut:

10. We don't even have pole dancers

  9. But we do have a few polar opposites

  8. And some Polish people

  7. Nobody told them POLAR NIGHT was here

  6. The Tiki Beach is a long swim from the Artic Circle

  5. The sand clings to their fur

  4. Our nighttime party lights make them easy targets

  3. They heard the penguins were coming

  2. The only SEALs here are of the US Navy variety

And the #1 reason there are no polar bears at the Tiki Hut:

  1. We don't make enough ice

The Goodreads Giveaway is still ongoing for IN NAME ONLY.
To enter, simply click on the button in the right sidebar.


And penguins and polar bears don't mix!
Summer Ross said…
Love #3. beware the penguins. Have a terrific Friday!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Polar bears would probably be bad for business.
Julie Flanders said…
LOL, I think the polar bears would be disappointed when they came upon the Tiki Hut Seals. They'd be like, what the heck, I thought you said there were seals here?! What are we supposed to have for dinner? :D

Thanks again for having me here Carol, I had a blast! And congrats to both winners! :)
Linda G. said…
LOL! Also, I hear polar bears wouldn't be caught dead with an umbrella drink.
BECKY said…
How fun, Carol! I always love your Friday Top Ten!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to the winners.
Unknown said…
Polar bears are so huge! I'm kind of glad they're not at the Tiki Hut, I'd be pretty frightened! :)
Anonymous said…
Fun Top Ten, Carol. There aren't any polar bears here, either. Though every now and then I think they would fit right in.
Southpaw said…
Ha! The penguins are coming. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Congrats to Michelle.
Jennifer Shirk said…
Ha! to number #2!

Have a great weekend!
VR Barkowski said…
Thrilled about Julie's Polar Night but I'm glad the polar bears stayed away. PBs are Mother Nature's original bait and switch. So cute. So fun to watch play. SO dangerous. Plus, you just know they'd kick up too much sand.

Have an awesome weekend!
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - Nerves of steel and sharp beaks :)

Summer Ross - Indeed!

Diane - True. Plus the glare off that white fur....

Julie - Glad you had fun!

Linda G - I heard that, too :)
Gwen Gardner said…
Congrats to the winners.

And I'm pretty sure the Tiki Hut is way too hot for polar bears. And their fur would just get so dirty and matted from the sand.
Mark Means said…
Yes, definitely keep those polar bears out of the Tiki Hut. There's nothing worse than bear sweat... :)

Congrats to the book winners!
Luanne G. Smith said…
LOL. Seriously, though, I always wonder how polar bears in zoos in the lower forty-eight states survive during the summer. They must cool their swimming pools for them or something. :)
Laura Eno said…
Ice would be a big problem. You need to save what you have for the slushy drinks, not pass it over to the polar bears. :)
Have a great weekend!
Johanna Garth said…
I'm certain it would be hard to get sand off your fur!
What... no pole dancers? Congrats to Michelle and Elephant's Child!

Carol Kilgore said…
Becky - Aw, thanks, Becky :)

Delores - I don't win books often, but I always love when I do.

Raquel - I'd be frightened, too!

Janet - They'd be totally out of place in Texas.

Southpaw - That's right!
No Polar bears? That's a shame. I had a dream the other night a bear was chasing me through my old dorm, but it wasn't a polar bear. Shame, though. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Jennifer - Anchors aweigh!

VR - They'd track that sand in, but even worse they'd shake. You'd probably have sand in your margarita :)

Gwen - They'd demand the tables under the fans :)

Mark - Oh, yuk! That's gotta stink!

Luanne - I don't know, but probably something like that. And maybe use a walk-in cooler for their inside homes.
LD Masterson said…
Are there any Polish polar bear pole dancers?
Linda Kage said…
No pole dancers OR polar bears in your tiki hut? What kind of boring, goody two-shoes places is this? Though I have to say, the precense of SEALs has me interested. Very interested.

As always, wonderful list, Carol!
Liza said…
You have me thinking of that Coke polar bear. I could just see him sitting on a beach chair under an umbrella, sipping his drink.
CATachresis said…
As long as you're not polarised !! Have a great weekend! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Laura - Exactly. Where would we be without margaritas, daiquiris, and the like. It's all about priorities :)

Johanna - Polar bears are not cling free :)

Julie - Sadly, no. LOL!

Bethany - Yikes! I'd call that a nightmare. Or a night bear.

LD - Those are called tongue twisters :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Linda K - Yes, the SEALs are good for that :)

Liza - I remember him!

CATachresis - Good one :)
Anonymous said…
10. We don't even have pole dancers! Love it!
Golden Eagle said…
Congrats to the winners!

Looks like the Tiki Hut won't be having any polar bear visitors anytime soon.
Melissa said…
Hahaha- great list! :D
Christine Rains said…
So the Tiki Hut isn't on the same island where LOST took place then. Hehehe! Have a good weekend. :)
Teddy bears are better, anyway. I hear polar bears are real blanket hogs. (And they have morning breath ALL the time!)

Fun list. Congrats to the winners, and a happy weekend to all.
I love polar bears. One of my most favourite animals.
And woo hoo (still) about your book. I have torn myself away from it (several times) because I really should a) finish the books I am already reading and b) do a kazillion other things. I don't know how long I will stay torn away though - not long I suspect. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
LR said…
Aw cute. I'll take the Tiki Hut over the Arctic Circle any day. :)
Rachna Chhabria said…
Congrats to the winners. I like the Tiki Beach.
Carol Kilgore said…
Wendy - Now maybe if I could get the SEALs to pole dance..... :)

Golden Eagle - Who knew they would be so afraid of the cute little penguins, LOL!

Melissa - Thanks!

Christine - Nope! We're not LOST...we're right here :)

Susan - Ugh. Thanks for the morning-breath warning!
Carol Kilgore said…
Elephant's Child - You're welcome. I'm happy you're liking it so far :)

LR - Cool! First margarita's on the house :)

Rachna - Thanks! Visit often :)
Unknown said…
Haha. Love this list.

I shall go away now and think of SEALs pole dancing. Nice idea... ;)
Yay! I'm so chuffed - I won a copy of Julie's book! Thank you ladies.

No Polar Bears? That's okay. I'll take a good old-fashioned teddy bear. Though I also love panda bears!
Have you heard about the Polish, pole-dancing Navy seals?

This is such a fun list Carol! Thanks for the smiles!
But what about the penguins don't polar bears eat
oh well lets forget the penquins they don't matter anyway.....
Carol Kilgore said…
Shirley - I'd like to see that, too :)

Michelle - You're welcome. I'm waiting to see one of those SEALs!

Jo-Anne - Good choice :)
Old Kitty said…
Awwwwwww! But polar bear babies are adorable!!

Yay for the winners!!! Take care
Anonymous said…
But you have enough ice for drinks, right?

Congrats to Michelle and Elephant's Child.
Carol Kilgore said…
Old Kitty - Those little white cubbies are so cute :)

Medeia - Always enough ice for drinks!
Nas said…
Congratulations to the winners!

But we miss out the hugs we might receive from the polar bears!
Carol Kilgore said…
Nas - I think you'll need to travel much farther north to get those hugs :)
