Friday's Top Ten

Today I'm posting my final guest blog post for the IN NAME ONLY summer blog tour. I've traveled to London - I WISH - and am visiting Talli Roland. And I may be telling a bedtime story over there across the pond.

Since today is the end of my summer adventure ...

My top ten thoughts about my first blog tour:

10. I'm happy I've finished writing guest posts for a while.

  9. The tour was long, but it was also way too short.

  8. I'm happy to have time now to work on my WIP again. Really work.

  7. I learned so much.

  6. But I still haven't learned the secret of what works and doesn't work promotion-wise.

  5. I'll miss meeting so many new and amazing people every week.

  4. I'm grateful to all who commented here and on the guest posts, too.

  3. I'm especially grateful that you kept coming back the whole time I was tooting my own horn.

  2. I still have my hair :)

And my #1 thought about my first blog tour:

  1. I'm ready to do another SHORTER blog tour for a new novel in the spring!


Laura Eno said…
I'm SO glad you still have your hair! ;)
Yeah, the answer to #6 can be found at the top of the mountain with the yogi.
Jennifer Shirk said…
LOL! Thank goodness you still have your hair!
We had fun following your tour!
Colette Martin said…
Good for you for having done so much!
Luanne G. Smith said…
I can imagine it's tough writing so many guest posts. But you got through it and your book is officially out there. Big congrats and have a great holiday weekend!
Linda Kage said…
I have no clue was works and doesn't work either, but I still say setting up blog tours is totally addictive!!
Unknown said…
Next book, I'll probably do a book tour. Also, I'll check out Talli's blog.
Summer Ross said…
Congrats on making it through your first tour. I'm so glad you still have your hair. :)

Happy Friday!
Linda G. said…
Congratulations on a wonderful tour for a wonderful book! :)
Anonymous said…
"But I still haven't learned the secret of what works and doesn't work promotion-wise."

It takes a while to figure that one out. Congrats and best wishes. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Laura - Ah, the elusive yogi. Shoulda known :)

Jennifer - Hair from Hell is better than No Hair!

Alex - Cool! The tour was fun for me, so I hoped it was fun for readers, too.

Colette - Both the preparation and promotion were more involved and intense than I imagined, but I learned so much. And had fun. I'll be ready to do it again in a few months :)

L.G. - Thank you! Great weekend to you, too :)
Johanna Garth said…
Darn! On #6

And hooray! On #2
Carol Kilgore said…
Linda K - I don't know about the setting up part for me, but I'm really going to miss meeting new people every day. I loved that!

Clarissa - Do it! It's a lot of work, but worth it all :)

Summer - Thanks! And so am I :)

Linda G - Awww! Thank you!

Linda J - I've tried a little bit of everything with this one. Maybe I'll figure out a tiny bit with the next one :)
LD Masterson said…
Deep breath. Smooth down the hair. And relax for a day. You'e earned.
Unknown said…
You got to the end with your sanity intact. Wonderful!
Carol Kilgore said…
Johanna - My thoughts exactly!

LD - Deep breath is easy. Relaxing, too...after I'm done. Smoothing down the hair, not so much :)

J.L. - I squeaked through :)
Arlee Bird said…
You were all over the place this past few weeks. Great tour.

I wish I could say I still have my hair.

Tossing It Out
Nick Wilford said…
I wish I'd caught more of your posts. I've been a bit out of the loop. Glad it was a great experience for you!
Carol Kilgore said…
Arlee - My tour was a blast! I'm slowly returning to earth :)

Nick - So much fun! You'll be here for my next tour in the spring :)
Golden Eagle said…
It was a lot of fun to follow your book tour! I love your list. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Golden Eagle - I'm glad you had fun with it. I did!
What a great tour, Carol.
Congrats on reaching the end in one piece... it was fun following the trail.
Carol Kilgore said…
Michelle - Thanks for following along!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Don't pull out your hair - you need that!
Anonymous said…
That was a great tour. I hope you get some rest this weekend.
Carol Kilgore said…
Diane - I came close a time or two :)

Medeia - Rest? What's that :)
I do hope you had groupie boys during this rock tour, lady Kilgore :P
Jemi Fraser said…
Glad the hair's still there! :)

You did a great job on the tour! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Dezmond - Maybe a couple, but ssshhh...don't tell Live-In Handyman :)

Jemi - Thanks. And thanks for sharing shout-outs about In Name Only :)
Congratulations on getting through it all!
Carol Kilgore said…
Thanks, Shannon! And I'm still standing, LOL :)
Old Kitty said…
I've been to Talli's and loved your husky sexy voice!! Yay!! Take care
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your successful tour! Promotion can be tough -- probably why the rich and famous hire people to take care of it.
Carol Kilgore said…
Old Kitty - Awww, you're so sweet. I'm almost purring :)

Milo - Thanks. Exactly so about promotion. Since I'm neither rich nor famous, I'm in the DIY camp :)
Nas said…
Just read your post at Talli's....was awesome! Thanks Carol!
Pat Hatt said…
All geared up and ready for more, that surely shows it was eventful at your shore.
Carol Kilgore said…
Nas - Thanks!

Pat - Yes, indeed :)
I think the secret of what works and doesn't work promotion-wise is an ever changing beast.
LR said…
You did some great posts, Carol. I enjoyed reading them.
