Friday's Top Ten

Top ten Olympic Events for Writers:

10. Book Put

  9. 100-Word Dash

  8. Wrestling for Agents

  7. Sailing to the Bestseller List

  6. Wordy Weightlifting

  5. Chapter Cycling

  4. Hockey Puck Paragraphing

  3. Balance Beam Blunders

  2. Midpoint Hurdles

And the #1 Olympic Event for Writers:

  1.  Triwritelon

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Those are great! All for number seven.
LR said…
Ha, good ones! Yes no 7 would be nice.
Laura Eno said…
I love these! #7 would be very cool. #2 can be cringeworthy as a participant.
Liza said…
Could be I'm participating in #2 right now!
Anonymous said…
I'm exhausted just reading about the events.
Carol Kilgore said…
Linda G and Delores - Grab an energy bar and keep going!

Alex and LR - We can dream :)

Laura and Liza - Each one gets higher!
Anne Gallagher said…
I like the Book Put for when the book is not very good and I "Put" it across the room.

Fun stuff, Carol.
Slamdunk said…
This list is timely! Have a good weekend Carol.
VR Barkowski said…
Great list, Carol. Can we add a #11? I've been training heard for the procrastinator's pentathlon.
Luanne G. Smith said…
Great list. I'll be going for the gold on the 100 word dash later today. :)
Jennie Bennett said…
I need to crack my knuckles and work on that 100 word dash today :)
Johanna Garth said…
Those were so cute. I'm glad it's only 100 word dash. I can do that, it's the 2000 word dash that leaves me a little tired.
Mason Canyon said…
Another great Friday's Top Ten. Hope you have a wonderful (and cool) weekend.

Thoughts in Progress
Southpaw said…
:) I have to read the #1 a couple of times before it clicked and then I was like, "Doh!"
Ciara said…
LOL, I love that list. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Anne - hahaha! I like that :)

Slamdunk - Thanks! You, too.

VR - We can put the Procrastinator's Pentathlon on the list tomorrow :)

L.G. - Good for you!

Jennifer - Thanks :)
Carol Kilgore said…
J.A. - All done with warm-ups?

Johanna - Same here!

Mason - It's a blast furnace here in San Antonio.

Southpaw - LOL!

Ciara - Thanks :)
Cherie Reich said…
Those are fantastic! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Cherie and Cate - Thanks!
Golden Eagle said…
Still wouldn't make the Olympics . . . but they'd be awesome to watch. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Golden Eagle - I'd like to see them, too. And read the results :)
Lol, your list brought a smile to my face. Love, Wordy Weightlifting.
Christine Rains said…
*LOL* That was cute! Have a great weekend. :)
Arlee Bird said…
I'm still at training camp.

Wrote By Rote
Oh uh, I think I've made my fair share of "Balance Beam Blunders!" Very clever and timely list! Julie
Talli Roland said…
I'd take the 100-word dash! :)
Phew! What a great list!
Carol Kilgore said…
Lynda - Smiles are good :)

Christine - You, too!

Arlee - Training Camp makes you strong.

Julie - So have I :)

Talli - Everyone's favorite :)

Michelle - And people think we don't really work, LOL!
Anonymous said…
LOL! Very topical Carol.
Anonymous said…
These are sports I can compete in.
Unknown said…
Funny! I might participate in some of these events.
This is a fantastic Olympic Events listing for writers. I love this posting.
Conda Douglas said…
Hilarious, Carol, I love your great imagination!
Carol Kilgore said…
Madeleine - Straight from the headlines, LOL!

Medeia - Me, too :)

Clarissa - Medeia, you, and me!

Brenda Kay - I'm glad you like.

Conda - It runs rampant most of the time.
Old Kitty said…
Trivia Trampolining!!! LOL!!!

Take care
Carol Kilgore said…
Old Kitty - Love it! My brain is loaded with useless knowledge. I may medal!
Leslie S. Rose said…
Fun list. May I add synchronized synopsizing.
Carol Kilgore said…
Leslie - Of course! I wouldn't even make the team on this one. I need classes :)
Unknown said…
Hilarious! I need to get on with training for # 9. Like, right now. I'm losing my edge!
Margo Dill said…
What do we have to do to win a gold medal in any of these? :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Raquel - Train every day!

Margo - Write every day. Push yourself to be better. Aim high and go for it!
Maryannwrites said…
Clever list. I always stumble on those midpoint hurdles. LOL
Carol Kilgore said…
Maryann - I think we all do, at least some of the time.
