UPDATE: IN NAME ONLY garnered its first review on Amazon! Four lovely gold stars! Read it here.
Maybe my left eye will stop twitching now. Or tomorrow. Or next week.
My baby is finally out there on its own.
It's thrilling. It's scary. It's a little sad. Summer's nest is empty. But she's flying!
Getting IN NAME ONLY from a concept to a real book I can read on my Kindle and hold in my hands has been an amazing journey. And I had so much fun along the way. Despite how it may seem as I ranted over a few details here and there :)
For those of you who would like to read Summer Newcombe's story, here are direct links:
The next time you visit Amazon, today or whenever, I would also love it if you would click the LIKE button on my author page and by each of the books on it. Those LIKES figure into Amazon's algorithms in some way, and the more I have and my books have - just like YOUR pages and books - the better chance of showing up in Amazon promotions.
Thank you for anything you may do. I'll send you cyber coffee, chocolate, or wine in return :)
Also many thanks to those of you who are helping to spread the word around the interwebz this week for IN NAME ONLY.
Maybe my left eye will stop twitching now. Or tomorrow. Or next week.
My baby is finally out there on its own.
It's thrilling. It's scary. It's a little sad. Summer's nest is empty. But she's flying!
Getting IN NAME ONLY from a concept to a real book I can read on my Kindle and hold in my hands has been an amazing journey. And I had so much fun along the way. Despite how it may seem as I ranted over a few details here and there :)
For those of you who would like to read Summer Newcombe's story, here are direct links:
The next time you visit Amazon, today or whenever, I would also love it if you would click the LIKE button on my author page and by each of the books on it. Those LIKES figure into Amazon's algorithms in some way, and the more I have and my books have - just like YOUR pages and books - the better chance of showing up in Amazon promotions.
Thank you for anything you may do. I'll send you cyber coffee, chocolate, or wine in return :)
Also many thanks to those of you who are helping to spread the word around the interwebz this week for IN NAME ONLY.
I love all my followers.
You guys ROCK!
Thoughts in Progress
Congrats! In the process of giving you a shout-out on my blog. Doing the links and such. Have fun!
(They're below your author picture on the In Name Only page)
Mason - Thanks! All good wishes gratefully accepted :)
J.L. - Thank you! I'll visit in a bit.
Julie - I hope to!
Laura - I knew a little about tags, but I didn't know I could add them, too, or that I can like them. Huge to know! Thank you!!!
This continues to be a wonderful learning experience. Y'all are GREAT :)
I totally liked your author page. I've examined the amazon page for "In Name Only"-- wow! The story sounds so compelling. Can't wait to read it. :)
Delores - THANK YOU! I'm so glad you liked it. And I'm happy you told me :)
Jennifer - Thanks :)
Kyra - I hope you enjoy!
Julie - I'm having a great time!
Teresa - FINALLY :)
LR - Huge day! And so much fun, too :)
Cherie - Thanks!
Raquel - Thank you. Enjoy!
Slamdunk - Thank you. It feels good to finally have a novel out there :)
Liza - Deep in the Heart of Texas!
Hildred - Great. Tweets are awesome :)
Yvonne - Love those good luck wishes :)
RaShelle - Thank you :)
Kris - I appreciate your letting me know :)
I just bought it, and it now has a place of honor in my TBR pile. :)
Donna - Thank you :)
Talli - Thanks! Enjoy :)
Linda G - Yea! And thank you :)
Kimberly - Thanks! The Tiki Hut is always open, but you may have to get your own drink in the wee hours :)
Hope things explode for you over the next few weeks--bookwise that is. Wishing you a best seller.
Tossing It Out
Arlee - No worries. Thank you for the like!
Christine - Cool :)
Johanna - Thank you!
Congratulations, Carol! So thrilled for you!
I'm off to do a little liking, a little buying, and a little sharing. Wishing you boundless success and not just In Name Only.
I've liked your page and your book on .com and It's also sitting on my iPad waiting for me to find time to read. Really looking forward to it.
Wishing you many, many sales, Carol!