What's Next?

The time has come for a real blog break.

I have 500 jillion things to do to get ready for the release of IN NAME ONLY in July. Yes...mark your calendars now - July 10 is the magic day!

Plus queries to send on Solomon's Compass.

And writing to do on my WIP.

To say nothing of a planned vacation.

I'm sure I won't get everything done that's on my list, but I hope the list will at least be manageable instead of out of control. I need six weeks off, but I'm taking three.

And when I return, I'll have a surprise for you. Promise :)

You'll see me around on a few blogs for a while, and probably on Facebook from time to time. If you need to reach me, you can message me on Twitter [good] or Facebook [better] or by email [best]. My email address is on my profile.

I'll be here for the top ten this Friday and through the weekend, then it's adios until Monday, May 21.

I'll miss all of you, but I have to take my life back. And it's only three weeks. Right?


Talli Roland said…
Exciting times! I'll mark your release day on my calendar!
Laura Eno said…
You have a life??! Where'd you get it? Can I shop for one online? :)

Have fun with your 6 weeks squeezed into 3 and come back refreshed. Can't wait for your release day!
Anne Gallagher said…
Aw, you're leaving and I'm just getting back. But hey, I know how it is. Have a good productive break and I can't wait for the surprise.
Unknown said…
I'll be putting your release day on my calendar too. You'll still need to remind me though because I always forgot to look at the calendar.

Enjoy your break, get lots done, and come back suitably relaxed and refreshed.
Joanne said…
Enjoy your break, Carol. It's a fun time getting the book ready for release!
I understand! I'll be easing back to work on my third novel soon. Are you doing a blog tour? You know you're welcome at my site.
Cortney Pearson said…
Enjoy your break and good luck getting everything done!! :D
Slamdunk said…
Great things on the horizon Carol. Look forward to your big day.
So many fun and exciting things going on for you! Wonderful! Enjoy your busy break. Hope to "see" you when you return!
Tracy Jo said…
That is awesome news and can't wait to read your book. It is so important to take these breaks, good to keep the balance. I will miss you!! Sending you positive list clearing vibes!
Johanna Garth said…
Can't wait for your release day but it also sounds like you are going to have your hands more than full w/o the added pressure of blogging.
Linda Kage said…
WOW!! July 10th. Calendar marked. Have a fun three weeks. We'll be here waiting for you!
Hope you have a good break, Carol!
~Sia McKye~ said…
Enjoy your time off, Carol. We all need quality time away.

I have openings in June and July for guests, just sayin'...

Carol Kilgore said…
Talli - It is exciting!

Laura - Check on Amazon...maybe they have lives on sale :)

Anne - Like two ships passing in the night :)

Shirley - I'll probably remind everyone so often you'll be wondering if I'll ever shut up.

Joanne - It is fun!
I'm feeling empty. Hurry back soon.

Unknown said…
Well, Have a great blogcation. And can't wait for the surprise. I'll be here.
Have a great break from blogging, we'll be here on your return.

Elspeth Futcher said…
A release date!! How exciting. You deserve a blogging break!
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - We'll stay in touch :)

Cortney - I need all the good luck wishes I can get :)

Slamdunk - I hope they're great :)

Cynthia - I'll be back in touch with everyone :)

Tracy Jo - Thanks for the positive clearing vibes. I need them!
LR said…
Wow I didn't know your release was so soon. Exciting!

Enjoy your blogging time off. As you can see we all love the Tiki Hut but totally understand. ;)
Linda G. said…
Enjoy your break! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Johanna - So much to do. So little time.

Linda K - Great!

Elizabeth - Thanks!

Sia - I'll be in touch :)

Teresa - Three weeks :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Clarissa - Thanks for the good wishes!

Yvonne - I'll be working hard.

Elspeth - It's exciting and scary at the same time.

LR - I'll miss everyone.

Linda G - I will!
Anonymous said…
You deserve a break today, so get up and get away, to the Tiki Hut (tune from an old McDonald's jingle).
Carol Kilgore said…
Aw, Stephen...you're so sweet :)
Anonymous said…
That's a full agenda. Have a productive as well as restful blog break. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Thanks, Medeia. That's what I'm hoping for.
Cherie Reich said…
I hope you have a nice break! Congrats on your forthcoming release!
Real life first is what I say.

I took last summer off 'cause I just couldn't keep up with the Ponderosa and the blog. I'm an all or nothin' kinda gal.

I have to say it was quite freein'. I may do it again' this year...I'm already feelin' the pressure.

God bless, enjoy have have a perfect break sweetie.

Good luck on the release! Woohoo!!! :o)
Hart Johnson said…
Have a wonderful, productive time! And for your book release, you are welcome at my blog to promote any time!
Carol Kilgore said…
Cherie - Thanks for the good wishes :)

Nezzy - That's what I say, too, but sometimes it's hard to do. I do always try to make real life quality time, though.

Hart - Thanks. And I'll be in touch.
Julie Flanders said…
I can't wait for your release date, Carol! Very exciting! I can totally understand needing a break, I hope you have a very productive one and come back feeling more refreshed.
So much to do...so much fun to do it!
Best of luck.
Carol Kilgore said…
Julie - I'm glad you're excited!

Heather - I need help...send Stormy :)
Stina said…
Those sound like wonder reasons for taking a break to me. Enjoy!!!!!
Carol Kilgore said…
Stina - I thought so, too!
Oh Exciting! Looking forward to your release day!
Carol Kilgore said…
Romance Book Haven - Thanks! Me, too :)
Janet, said…
Congratulations and good luck with your book. Blogging does take up a lot of time and I don't know how some people do it and write, too. See you in three weeks.
