Guest Blogger: Alex J. Cavanaugh

I'm honored to have Alex J. Cavanaugh guest blogging today Under the Tiki Hut. So I'll just shut up and let him take the stage. Tried to sweep off the sand, but you know how that goes.

= = = = =

You know, hanging out under the Tiki Hut is pretty great.

I’m in the shade, which is good for someone like me. (Pale skin doesn’t fare well in the sun.) I have a great view of the beach. The waiter just brought me a Corona with a lime. And a water. Need to stay hydrated and sober, or this post could go south very quickly.

You know what I like best about the beach? The women!

This is awesome. I didn’t think the beach would be this crowded with women. (Most visitors only talk about the guys - I was worried!) Women strolling through the waves, stretched out on towels, and even a group playing volleyball. I could get used to this view.

And look at how young these women appear. I bet I’m twice the age of most of them.

Unfortunately, I left the Ryan Reynolds physic at home. What was I thinking? I’m in shape but not young and cut. So strolling down the beach putting on a ‘gun’ show is out of the question.

Oh well, I’ll just kick back and…

Well! One of them is approaching. Look at her curves. She’s perfect. All right, think Alex. Sit up straight. Don’t say anything stupid. Maybe I look like Ryan Reynolds in this shade. Wow, is she sexy. All right, serious expression. Don’t look too anxious…

“Did you order a Corona for me?”

Well, duh, of course she’s sexy. She’s my wife!

Visit the author’s site and leave a comment during his book tour for a chance to win CassaFire, CassaStar, and a CassaFire tote bag and mug!

by Alex J. Cavanaugh

CassaStar was just the beginning…

The Vindicarn War is a distant memory and Byron’s days of piloting Cosbolt fighters are over. He has kept the promise he made to his fallen mentor and friend - to probe space on an exploration vessel. Shuttle work is dull, but it’s a free and solitary existence. The senior officer is content with his life aboard the Rennather.

The detection of alien ruins sends the exploration ship to the distant planet of Tgren. If their scientists can decipher the language, they can unlock the secrets of this device. Is it a key to the Tgren’s civilization or a weapon of unimaginable power? Tensions mount as their new allies are suspicious of the Cassan’s technology and strange mental abilities. 

To complicate matters, the Tgrens are showing signs of mental powers themselves; the strongest of which belongs to a pilot named Athee, a woman whose skills rival Byron’s unique abilities. Forced to train her mind and further develop her flying aptitude, he finds his patience strained. Add a reluctant friendship with a young scientist, and he feels invaded on every level. All Byron wanted was his privacy…

Available now!
Science fiction - space opera/adventure
Print ISBN 978-0-9827139-4-5, $15.95, 6x9 Trade paperback, 240 pages
EBook ISBN 978-0-9827139-6-9, $4.99, available in all formats

CassaFire is the sequel to Cavanaugh’s first book, CassaStar, an Amazon Top Ten Best Seller:
“…calls to mind the youthful focus of Robert Heinlein’s early military sf, as well as the excitement of space opera epitomized by the many Star Wars novels. Fast-paced military action and a youthful protagonist make this a good choice for both young adult and adult fans of space wars.” - Library Journal

You can visit the author’s site at
Book trailer available at


Old Kitty said…
Oh wow! What a great place the Tiki Hut is! Hello Carol, hello Alex!

Glad to know you are all relaxed and catching up on some sun,sea, surf n sand and sexy wife!

Take care
Thanks again, Carol! And my wife approves of this guest post 100%.
Unknown said…
Oh Alex! You romantic, you LOL. Nice atmosphere felt I really was on a beach.
Talli Roland said…
Yay for Alex! I'm hosting him tomorrow and I can't wait.
Marta Szemik said…
You lost me at the mention of Ryan Reynolds. After that, that's all I could see on the beach:D
Leigh Caron said…
Gun show? I'd never heard of that saying so I looked it up. Phew! Muscular ARMS. And I love how you love your wife.
Natalie Aguirre said…
That was an awesome post your wife should love.
Rusty Carl said…
It'd be funny if your wife was like, "I thought I saw Ryan Reynolds over here."

Good stuff.
Unknown said…
LOL Great post! You nearly lost me at Ryan Reynold's physique, but I soldiered on to read the rest. ;)

The Tiki Hut is an awesome place to hang. I think I'll stay a bit and have a margarita.
Joanne said…
Best wishes on the CassaFire Tour!
Anonymous said…
I admire writers of science fiction. They have a great imagination and skill for writing.
Tracy Jo said…
Aaaaaah...the Tiki Hut sounds perfect. Sober? Bartender...Carol...bring this man another Corona! :-) Glad you are enjoying the beach with your beautiful wife. Have one for me!
Christine Rains said…
Hehehe! That was fun! Enjoy your time on the beach. :)
Hanging out at the Tiki Hut is fun!
Good thing I remembered to bring sunscreen. Gotta go wash the sand out now.
Donna v.
Marta, no Reynolds on my beach unless it's me!

Em, she is the hottest woman I know.

Rusty, that would really ruin the moment, wouldn't it?

Creative, I try.

Tracy, two beers and I'd be asleep!
Ciara said…
You are one smart man, Alex. Loved the post. :)
LR said…
Aw, that's sweet that the sexy lady is your wife. :)
Morgan Mandel said…
Great short story blog, with that sweet twist at the end!

No wonder your wife loves you!

Morgan Mandel
Unknown said…
Great ending, Alex! *raises my Corona-- er, coffee mug* :))
Maryannwrites said…
Love when guests visit the Tiki Hut. You never know what kind of fun you will have with them. My son sort of likes the beach volleyball when it involves women with skimpy bathing suits and great... um... muscles.
Unknown said…
Aw, that is so darned sweet. Enjoy your time at the Tiki Hut, Alex, and good luck with the CassaFire tour.
Mason Canyon said…
My first thought was 'good safe, Alex.' But maybe you're just a romantic at heart. Wishing you much success with your tour and your book.

Thoughts in Progress
Linda G. said…
LOL! Who cares if you're cut like Ryan Reynolds when you write like that? ;)
Maryann, what can I say? We just like watching women.

Mason, she is my reality and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

Thanks, everyone!!
Helen Ginger said…
A winter vacation at the Tiki Hut. Score!

Keep having fun on your tour, Alex.
N. R. Williams said…
Hi Carol, Hi Alex
I can feel the heat. Good thing you added that last about your wife.
Luanne G. Smith said…
That was great. I'm sure that made your wife smile.
Emily R. King said…
So sweet, Alex! I bet your wife is blushing.
Marian Allen said…
My youngest daughter flexes her arms and says, "They make me check these at the airport."

Congratulations on the new release! Your trailers are awesome. :)

Marian Allen
Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes
Carol Kilgore said…
Hi, Everyone! I want to take a quick minute to welcome the new faces I see here to Under the Tiki Hut. Enjoy yourselves, and I hope you'll come back and hang out again. Later today and tomorrow I'll be around to everyone's blog, but right now it's back to my writing hole.

Waving to Alex :)
Linda Kage said…
Doesn't every man look like Ryan Reynolds in the eyes of his wife?!

Happy book release to you! CassaFire sounds like a great story.
Laura Eno said…
Smart man, Alex. You know how to keep your wife happy!
LG, she was happy with this one!

Emily, actually I think her words were "Damn straight!"

Marian, that's funny!

Hey Carol!

Linda, I'll have to ask...

Thanks everyone!
Unknown said…
Awwww, you brought it back to your wife! How awesome you are. Hope your sales are going well, Alex.
Dani said…
Nice save, Alex! I just beamed down from the Mother Ship to make sure you're not in any trouble. :D Have to leave soon though - my purple skin doesn't like all the UV.
Anonymous said…
LOL! Nice post, Alex.
Elspeth Futcher said…
Spending time at the Tiki Hut is always time well spent. Could someone please pass the sunscreen?
Leigh Covington said…
LOL! This is hilarious! Love it. I think I could permanently live under the tiki hut and be quite happy! :)

Great stuff guys! Good to have Alex over for a visit!
Lucky 13s said…
I think you just won a bagful of "good hubby points" with this post.
Johanna Garth said…
Hi Carol, new follower from Alex's blog!

Alex, so sweet! I hope you emailed this post to your wife!!
Dani, if I leave this shade, I'll fry to a crisp.

Lucky 13, I scored some all right.

Johanna, she approved it before I even sent it.

Thanks, guys! Um, I mean gals.
This is awesome. Love people who love who they are married to - strange that it seems to be rare these days...

Great post.
Rek Sesh said…
Valentine's is already an old date on the calendar, so I guess you are preparing for the next...seriously though, very romantic and honest post. ;)
*finally a comment today without typos...phew...
I've never sat under a tiki hut. Now I think I need to make this happen soon.
Cherie Reich said…
Ah, must be nice to settle in under a tiki hut for a while. *grins*

New follower. :)
Brinda said…
Well it's a good thing that it was your wife. Lol
Ella said…
Hello Carol and Alex!
I agree what a fun, romantic post ; )
Ninjas do not worry about their guns, lol
Fun post
Tasha, it does seem rare, but I do adore my wife. Not afraid to admit it.

Ella, but we do worry!
Diana Orgain said…
What a great trailer!
Julie Flanders said…
Aww, this was really sweet. I had to laugh about the pale skin, I suffer from that too and often end up so covered up on the beach that I look like a mummy.

Great post and congrats again on CassaFire. :)
dolorah said…
Too funny Alex :)

Hello Carol; thanks for a pleasant day at the beach.

Love the fun to this. And I know your blushing wife loved it, too. May the sales to your novel soar into the stars, Roland
Laura said…
Aw shucks - good to know your wife's there to keep you in line :)

What a great place to hang out - nice to meet you
Laura x
Bob Sanchez said…
What a great post, Alex, and such a nice venue. I think I'll get me one of those drinks with the umbrella thingies and imagine I'm there.
See, the best way to enjoy wonderful locations like tiki huts is with our other halves. :)
A great post Alex, will catch you at Talli's here in the UK tomorrow.

Other Lisa said…
Oooh, a Tiki Hut -- serving anything other than Coronas, Alex? I could use a good margarita!
Diana, thank you.

Julie, that's why I don't do the beach often.

Bob, pull up a chair!

Lisa, you can order anything you like.

Thanks, everyone!
Nas said…
Congratulations to Alex and what an awesome trailer!
cleemckenzie said…
Please pass the Corona. I need a sip while I'm reading an eBook.
M Pax said…
Glad you and the Mrs. are having some fun, Alex. Nice piece.
Gwen Gardner said…
LoL, of course it's your wife. I came looking for the....trees. Didn't find any, but the water's nice:)
Golden Eagle said…
Sounds like a great day at the beach. :)
CLee, you do want a lime, don't you?

Thanks everyone!
Congrats Alex! Glad everyone's having fun Under The Tiki hut!
Ahh, the beach and cool drink. If only.
The tour is still going strong.
Anonymous said…
Great piece with a sweet ending.

I'm glad I stopped by at this tour stop.
If only other rock stars were smart enough to take their wives on tour with them! Julie
Pale skin might not be good under sun but it's rather perfect for space eh? Great trailer!
Anonymous said…
I'm liking it over here... might have to hang around for a while longer..:) Yay for Alex
The Tiki Hut sounds idyllic... sounds like the perfect chill-out spot!
Unknown said…
Wow, I love the imaginative take of being Under the Tiki Hut! This is a really great blog....
Julie, I wouldn't know what to do without her.

Charles, good point!

Thanks everyone, and big thanks, Carol!
ediFanoB said…

I love your blog tour. Every stop something completely different.

Your post fits perfecly to Carol's blog.

Well done!
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - Thanks so much for guest blogging with me. I had a blast, even though I now wonder if I'm getting carpal tunnel from responding to everyone. Kidding :)

Hope you had fun here Under the Tiki Hut!
Edi, this one was fun!

Thanks again, Carol. This was a great idea!
What a fun interview!

Alex is amazing! He is all over the internet. :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. :)
