A New Beginning

This post is all about blog goings on.

My sister gave me this for Christmas. Isn't it perfect! In real life he's hanging on the wall above the bookshelf behind my desk, so I see him every time I come to write.

Here, I've posted him permanently at the top of the sidebar. And doesn't it look like the tiki guy has fries for hair? Or maybe I'm hungry. Anyway, this makes me smile. We need to give the tiki guy a name. Any suggestions?

Up above on the pages tabs you'll see a new tab titled My Work. I've linked to my online stories on that page so you don't need to scout them out on my website if you'd like to read some of my work.

Wednesdays will be different for a while. I'm taking a break from regularly scheduled guest bloggers until the summer, although I have a couple scheduled here and there between now and then. If you have something new coming out and would like to guest here, just email me and we'll chat about dates. My email address is on my profile, and you can find the link to my profile in the sidebar.

I planned to begin a new feature for Wednesdays. However, since the concept hasn't quite come together yet, you're stuck with me chitchatting with you for a week or two until the idea finishes taking shape in my head. If it ever does. You know how these things go. What I envisioned hasn't worked, so I don't have a clue how it's going to end up. Probably nothing at all like my original thought.

And remember...I'm hunkered in my writing hole this morning writing my little heart out. I'll be commenting on your blogs and responding here this afternoon.

You're following your new goals and resolutions, too, aren't you? Do I have to send the Goal Fairy to your house? You know how she gets :)

Happy Monday!


I like you Tiki guy - he fits very well!
Worked some on my next book last night and will do so today. Promise!
Loved your goal fairy, enjoyed reading your post very well penned.

julie fedderson said…
Mr. Tiki seems a wonderful muse! Looking forward to checking out some of your stories.
Jan Morrison said…
Lovely Tiki guy! I've done a tiny bit of research and I think you have to call him Lono - Lono is one of the major Tiki deities - and is the one associated with fertility, music and peace - all good for writers! That's my two cents...
Joanne said…
Love the newness and goals of the New Year. And please, tell the Goal Fairy she doesn't have to fly to New England ... I always like the quiet post-holiday lull in January, and plan to get lots of writing done, and am working on pre-pub tasks too.

Happy New Year, Carol, much happiness and writing in 2012!
Anonymous said…
His hair does look like fries...maybe you could call him "fast fry guy".
Anonymous said…
That's a wonderful, apt wall hanging.

Happy New Year. I hope I don't need a goal fairy. I did wake up self-motivated today.

Have a great week.
Anonymous said…
Love the new Tiki image! Very cool. Change is good. And I've learned never to piss off fairies, so I'll keep the Goal Fairy happy. Have a Happy New year!
Luanne G. Smith said…
Tiki guy is perfect. And, yes, his hair does look like french fries. :)
Maria Zannini said…
I love that hanging. Change 'Club' to 'Hut' and you could use it as part of your blog banner.

Your sister has cool tastes. :)
LR said…
Love the Tiki sign! Awesome!

I can never resist setting goals/making resolutions, going to post about mine later this week.

I wish you a great and successful 2012. :)
~Sia McKye~ said…
Carol, what a sweet sister. I like it. And yes, at first glance I thought French fries too, lol!

Happy writing sweetie!

Rula Sinara said…
Love your Tiki sign! What a thoughtful gift :) For some reason, King Tiki jumped to mind (might be bc my kid is studying Egypt so I was thinking of King Tut). But I think the earlier idea of looking into Tiki deities and what they stand for is great. He's a great addition!

Happy New Year!
Emily R. King said…
The Tiki Hut sign is awesome! I hope writing goes well for you today. Happy 2012!
J.L. Campbell said…
Happy New Year. Your sister is sure making your writing space a cozy place to be. Wishing you every success with your goals!
Love the Tiki Hut guy! And I totally agree with you about the French fries lol.
Unknown said…
Love the Tiki Club guy. And can't wait to see what you have in store for us on Wednesdays.
Carol Kilgore said…
Alex - Good for you!

Yvonne - Thank you.

Julie - Enjoy :)

Jan - Fertility??? Ack!

Joanne - I'll hold off on my text to the Goal Fairy :)
Love the Tiki Guy! I'm sure he'll inspire you ... or drive you to drink, one or the other.

I hope you got a lot of writing done this afternoon! I pined for my WIP at work today and look forward to working on it after dinner tonight!
Carol Kilgore said…
Karen - Yea for smiles :)

Delores - LOL!

Medeia - So far I haven't needed to text her :)

Stephen - Exactly!

Luanne - Glad it's not just me.
Carol Kilgore said…
Maria - I love it, too. And my sister :)

LR - Same to you. Looking forward to reading your goals/resolutions post.

Sia - Happy Writing to you, too.

Rula - A little research is definitely in order.

Emily - Hope 2012 is wonderful for you.
Tracy Jo said…
I love him! Don't you love the little things that make you smile? I think you should name him Ogma. I found this...

God of invention, writing, literature, empowerment, eloquence, knowledge, enrichment, creativity

I am glad we will be stuck with you on Wednesdays. I was hoping to make some changes too but the light has flicked (is that a word. ha!) for me yet either.

Have a great week!
Anne Gallagher said…
Love the new tiki guy. He's so handsome. I can smell the fruit being blended for the funky drinks.
Carol Kilgore said…
J.L. - I have a great sister :) I wish you the same with your goals.

Karen - Fry Hair :)

Clarissa - I can't wait either-LOL-because right now it isn't coming together at all. I have faith :)

Dianne - He won't have a long way to go to drive me to drink :)

Tracy Jo - Thanks for the suggestion. I'll let you know when I know :)

The light flicked on for me, but then it burned out. I'm searching for a new bulb.
Southpaw said…
Well, I didn't think it looked like French fries until you said that and now that is all I see. I think I'm hungry too. LOL
Carol Kilgore said…
Anne - Maybe we should call him Frank N. Fruit.

Holly - Or Frank N. Fry.
Mason Canyon said…
Love the new Tiki guy. He's perfect and yes, I see French fries too.

Thoughts in Progress
Claudia Zurc said…
What an appropriate gift! ;)
Very cute indeed. My goals this year are a bit different. I want to tackle them as they come as I don't want added stress (I had a rough year in 2011). I did spend New Year's Day editing some stories so my muse paid me a visit and to me, that's a great start of the year.
Lydia Kang said…
I'm taking a break from hosting authors on my site too. New ideas, New Year...all good. :)
Slamdunk said…
Neat gift Carol. I am stuck on the french fries hair as well. Maybe I just need a snack or something.
Hart Johnson said…
I love your Tiki sign! Very festive. And I like the suggestions that go toward various gods. I will add Hunahpu. It is the first part of the name of a couple Mayan 'creator' gods. (plus anything that ends in 'pu' is amusing) (I saw fries, too)

You're doing great with your new years organization!
Great Tiki dude! His name shall be Trossy... or George. =D Good luck on your goals.
What a cool present! I think you should keep him on the sidebar. He compliments the top picture nicely.

I like your idea for changes. Just keep your top 10 Fridays! Happy new year.
Unknown said…
What a wonderful sister you have. Tiki guy is just brilliant. He looks like a Fred to me.

Looking forward to finding out what we're getting on Wednesdays. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Mason - Yea...we're all weird :)

Claudia - Lucky you to receive a gratis visit from your muse. Here's to a no-stress 2012 for you!

Lydia - Ah, like thinkers :)

Slamdunk - Would.Kill.A.Potato.For.Fries.

Hart - Hunahpu, huh? I should be able to do something with all these suggestions. Thanks!
Carol Kilgore said…
RaShelle - "or George" - LOL!

Theresa - No worries. Both the Top Ten and Tiki Dude are staying in place :)

Shirley - I'm looking forward to finding out about Wednesdays, too :)
And now we have a Fred....
Tami Brothers said…
LOVE this sign. Wherever did she find it?

I like the name, Hubba Hubba. :)

Carol Kilgore said…
Tami - I'm smiling. Don't know where she found it - I'll ask.
