Guest Bloggers Update
Two dates are still open:
November 16
November 30
Make one of them yours!
 Email me to sign up:
tikihuttime AT gmail DOT com
Remember, these guest blogging dates are for your character to visit
Under the Tiki Hut!
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I hope all of you on the East Coast are safe and damage free now that Hurricane Irene has moved on. And my wish extends to your friends and families as well.

No, I'm not going to talk about using weather in our stories. Others do that kind of thing much better than I do.

In fact, my weekend turned into a little whirlwind all its own that kept me busy doing all sorts of things other than focusing on blogging. I really didn't know what to write about here because it's Sunday afternoon and I'm still going hmmmmm.

So I decided to ask you some questions. Pick one or all or any combination and leave your answer in the comments. Tell us why - or not. I'm easy :)

Coffee or tea?
Favorite fictional character?
Summer or winter?
Favorite color?
Sweet or salty?
Favorite superhero?
Mountains or beach?
Favorite city?
Pizza or burgers?

Happy Monday!


Hart Johnson said…
Coffee or tea? Coffee

Favorite fictional character? erm... Dumbledore...

Summer or winter? Summer.
Favorite color? Periwinkle
Sweet or salty? Yes, please.

Favorite superhero? Ironman, maybe... I like a superhero with demons... erm... and Robert Downey Jr....

Mountains or beach? Beach to hang out (but a mountain view)

Favorite city? Portland, Oregon
Pizza or burgers? Pizza

(teehee--that was fun!)
Winter, because I like the cold. Mountains for the same reason.
Jennifer Shirk said…

How are you, Carol? I feel like I need to catch up with everyone. :)
LR said…
Hmm. Salty, summer, beach (of course), and pizza!

Happy Monday back! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Hart - Yeah...Ironman. For the same reasons :)

Alex - After yesterday's 111 degrees, I might be more inclined to agree.

Jennifer - So glad to here from you - especially after Irene.

LR - Definitely salty for me, too.

Karen - We're doomed - LOL!
Linda G. said…
Coffee or tea? Tea.

Favorite fictional character? Jamie Fraser (Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER)

Summer or winter? Er, fall. ;)

Favorite color? Teal.

Sweet or salty? Both. Sometimes together.

Favorite superhero? Batman, because he doesn't have superhuman powers.

Mountains or beach? Mountains.

Favorite city? Stockholm.

Pizza or burgers? Pizza.
Unknown said…
Coffee or tea? Coffee.
Favorite fictional character? Unnamed character in Rebecca.
Summer or winter? Summer.
Favorite color? Yellow.
Sweet or salty? Salty.
Favorite superhero? Superman.
Mountains or beach? Mountains.
Favorite city? London.
Pizza or burgers? Pizza.
Rula Sinara said…
Okay...I can be pretty indecisive, LOL!

Coffee in the AM. Iced tea on a hot day. Hot, sweet, mint tea in the evening.

Fictional character: I love many, but Professor McGonagal comes to mind. Tough on the outside but loving on the inside.

Fall is my fave. Summer and Winter are equal...and it depends on if we get mild ones or not. See, I'm being difficult ;)

Purple...although I don't decorate my house with it and I mostly wear black. Go figure.

Sweet, unfortunately.

Superman...with Spiderman a close second.

A serene beach, although I'd go with mountains in the fall season.

City: got me there. Each one I've been to has something special about it. I guess any city with incredible architecture.

Pizza with diet Dr. Pepper!
Tara said…
Coffee or tea?
Coffee. Addicted.

Favorite fictional character?
So many to choose from! Umm...Santa Claus

Summer or winter?
Fall. Ha.

Favorite color?
Don't have one, but I tend toward coral, blues, purples and greens.

Sweet or salty?

Favorite superhero?

Mountains or beach?
Both are equal for me.

Favorite city?
Orlando. Disney is there. Duh.

Pizza or burgers?
Burger. Which can be difficult when you're a sometimes vegetarian.
Elspeth Futcher said…
Coffee or tea? Depends on the time of day.

And...another vote for autumn.

Mountains or beach? I live where there's both. HAH!

Favourite city? Too many to mention.

Golden Eagle said…
Here I go:

Coffee or tea? Tea. (Never have drunk coffee.)
Favorite fictional character? Too hard!
Summer or winter? Winter. I don't like heat at all.
Favorite color? Green. Or blue.
Sweet or salty? Sweet. But I don't like sugary things.
Favorite superhero? Not sure.
Mountains or beach? Mountains!
Favorite city? Kyoto. Never been there, but it seems like a beautiful city.
Pizza or burgers? Pizza. Definitely. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Linda G - Fall. Of course :)

Clarissa - I love yellow, too.

Rula - Not indecisive but multi-dimensional :)

Tara - Live-In Handyman likes the black bean burger at Chili's.

Elspeth - Both would be lovely!

Golden Eagle - Intriguing answers.
Luanne G. Smith said…
Well, you can tell by my picture that it's mountains for me and red is my favorite color. LOL.

Add coffee and something sweet and I'm set. :)
Rochelle Staab said…
Coffee or tea? I was raised from age 4 on coffee and probably didn't drink tea until I was an adult. But I gave up caffeine years ago, so it's not the manna it used to be.
Favorite fictional character? Nancy Drew. Harry Potter. Amelia Peabody. Nick and Nora Charles.
Summer or winter? Definitely winter because I love staying inside by the fireplace.
Favorite color? Red, all the way.
Sweet or salty? I must have them both and the closer, the better.
Favorite superhero? Currently Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man.
Mountains or beach? Can I have a mountain cabin that overlooks the ocean? Driving distance from my cabana on the beach? I seek awe.
Pizza or burgers? Burgers. Because burgers come with French fries.

That was fun!
Lydia Kang said…
I can't see straight (went to the eye doc) so I'm only answering a few.

I love pale green.

I love tea and coffee, but I drink coffee with lots of sugar and cream, and that makes me feel guilty, so most days I do straight green tea.
julie fedderson said…
Fave color is green. Why? My eyes are green, and as a little girl my grandma told me that meant I had magic in my soul. I've loved green ever since.
Carol Kilgore said…
L.G. - Very cool :)

Rochelle - No caffeine! I can't imagine no caffeine. Another Robert Downey, Jr. Iron Man fan, I see :)

Lydia - So much willpower. Take care of your eyes.

Julie - Ooh, I love your grandma because I have green eyes, too :)
Anonymous said…
Chase Manhattan
Chase Manhattan
New York
Angela said…
All those decisions! I like hot chocolate and pepermint tea and lemonade, and summer on the beach, but winter in Africa. I have nothing in green, although I love my green garden. Sweet and salty, yes, and Pippi Longstocking who was a super heroine for me when I was eight. Mountains scare me, but I like them anyway. Hamburg, my home town, is my favorite city (real big cities like NYor Philly scare me, too). Oh, no pizza, no burgers. Quiche Lorraine, I think. And fried chicken.
Cheers, Carol!
Carol Kilgore said…
Stephen - I love NY, too!

Angela - I'd love to visit Hamburg one day. I'm not a huge quiche fan because I'm not an eggy person.
Linda Kage said…
Favorite fictional character: Scarlet O'Hara. She kicks a$$. Even when you want to yell at her and demand to know why she's doing what she's doing, you're cheering her on, hoping she succeeds.
Anonymous said…
Coffee!!!!!!!!!! (I'm not an addict or anything. ;) )
Talli Roland said…
Coffee or tea? COFFEE!
Favorite fictional character? Um... Henry in the Time Travellers' Wife.
Summer or winter? Summer
Favorite color? Blue
Sweet or salty? Salty
Favorite superhero? Er, um, wine-drinking man
Mountains or beach? Beach
Favorite city? London
Pizza or burgers? Burgers, hands down

That was fun!
Carol Kilgore said…
Linda K - Yeah! Tomorrow's another day :)

Laura - I know...slurp.

Talli - Wine-Drinking Man! Love it :)
Anonymous said…
Hey Carol!

I love the mountains, and my favorite color is pink. I like sweet and salty things together.... I have to have both. :) Cute post
Carol Kilgore said…
Mel - Thanks for visiting and commenting. I think a lot of people love the sweet/salty combo.
Ciara said…
Sorry I'm late to the party. I had internet issues. Hugh. Anyway, here I go. :)
COFFEE - There could be NO life without coffee. :)
Fictional Character (Too many to name).
Hot Pink
Mr. Incredible
Mountains ( I grew up on a Florida beach)
Bern (Switzerland)
Pizaa (Homemade with my kids helping).
Carol Kilgore said…
Ciara - "no life without coffee"...I might have uttered those words before :)
Janet, said…
I like easy questions that don't require much thought.
My answers are:
fictional character - hmm, I may have to think about that one
I'm not really into cities- give me the country any day

Did I pass?
Definitely tea, not coffee. I'm one of those rare people who never developed a taste for coffee. To be honest, I've only ever drank one or two sips of it.
Carol Kilgore said…
That's amazing, Carol, especially in this age of Starbucks.
