Friday's Top Ten

Top ten reasons to throw a party:

10. Why not?

  9. You saw Miss Piggy fly

  8. The drought broke

  7. Or the sun is shining

  6. That darned chicken finally crossed the road

  5. The police need something different to do

  4. Your new book release

  3. If not you, who?

  2. The Limbo Song is stuck in your head

And the #1 reason to throw a party:

  1. It's Friday!


Joanne said…
And a holiday weekend too! Happy Fourth, hope you're having a great bbq party :)
Linda Kage said…
...And fourth of July weekend!!! Happy Friday. :-)
Laura Eno said…
Or any day that ends in a Y. ;) I'm especially drawn to #5 though. *looks innocent*
Have a wonderful weekend!
We need a REASON to have a party??? LOL Well, if so, there's some good ones in your list.

Have a great 4th weekend, Carol, and stay safe!
Anonymous said…
I love 1. and 3. Why not? If not you, who?

Why not enjoy the holiday weekend, even though (here) it's going to be hot and HUMID?! Hope you enjoy it where you are!
Ann Best, Memoir Author
Carol Kilgore said…
Joanne - Lots going on this weekend everywhere, I think.

Linda - Same to you!

Laura - LOL...I shoulda known :)

Carol/Annie - Some people do, or so I've been told.

Ann - 100+ for afternoons here. Happy 4th!
VR Barkowski said…
I'm inspired! Think I'll hold the fête indoors, though. Can't afford to have an ambulance standing buy for heatstroke victims. :)

Have a great Fourth!
Manzanita said…
Love your Friday lists and all the more reason to have a party. Get out the bang bangs and celebrate. Already Cody is hiding under the table or staying close to my feet.:)
Wonderful weekend.
All good reasons in my book!
Summer Ross said…
Wonderful reasons! Have a fairy wonderful holiday weekend.
LR said…
Yay let's party! Shake your booty. :) Where's my Mai Tai?
Julie Flanders said…
Ha, I love #9. All great reasons! Happy Friday and Happy 4th of July weekend to you! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
VR - That's the truth!

Manzanita - No bang-bangs here because we're so dry :(

Alex - In my book, too!

Summer - You, too :)

LR - I think my dogs drank it - they're acting weird.

Julie - Same to you!
Talei said…
I like your thinking! Friday parties are my fav - you can sleep in the next day! ;-)

Have a lovely weekend, my dear! x
Connie Arnold said…
Good enough reasons! Have a great weekend!
Unknown said…
You've convinced me!
Carol Kilgore said…
Talei - Exactly! You have a great weekend, too :)

Connie - Thanks for commenting. Enjoy the weekend.

Clarissa - Cool!
Anonymous said…
Who needs a reason? Not me. But if I'm stopped by the Party Police, I now have ten good reasons!
Golden Eagle said…
LOL. I think the neighbors answered #3 . . . there are over a dozen people next door right now.
MTeacress said…
I don't throw parties often, but it sure is fun to attend them.

Have a wonderful weekend. :)
dolorah said…
Seriously good party reasons here.

BECKY said…
All great reasons....and Just Because!
Carol Kilgore said…
Stephen - I keep trying to keep you out of trouble :)

Golden Eagle - Did you join in?

Michelle - Yes it is - parties are fun.

Donna - I try :)

Becky - Exactly!
Tami Brothers said…
I'm always up for a party!!!

Great reasons to put one together!

Happy Fourth of July to you.

Carol Kilgore said…
Tami - Same here. And Happy 4th!
All very valid reasons to throw a party!!! BTW: I wrote a children's concept book title How Did the Chicken Cross the Road? Great fun. Hope you have a great party.
Carol Kilgore said…
Kathi - Cool title for a kid's book! Happy 4th :)
J.L. Campbell said…
And now it's Monday again and NOT a holiday in Jamaica. Bah humbug!
