Show Me The Money
Remember way back last year when you were Christmas shopping at the mall? Way back, um, last month?
Close your eyes and remember all the people of all ages jammed inside. From tiny new babies nestled in huge strollers to seniors hugging the wall so they can walk at their own pace and stay out of the way of frantic shoppers. Husbands holding bags outside crowded shops. Teens in their own worlds. Harried clerks. The long line for Santa.
And the noise level. Holiday music, one teen yelling for another ten feet ahead, hundreds of conversations, feet moving along a hard floor, the spike of a baby's cry. We'll talk about sounds another time, but for now they'll serve to keep you in the moment.
Okay . . . got it?
Use it.
Think about all the emotions you witnessed. Happiness. Excitement. Impatience. Fatigue. Maybe arrogance, anger, fear, sadness. And probably a lot more.
Keep your eyes closed.
How did you know those people felt those emotions? You didn't talk to them.
You knew by how they expressed it physically.
Think about what you saw. A tapping foot. Repeated looks at a watch. Heads rolling around on shoulders. Bouncing up and down. A perfectly manicured fingernail tapping a glass countertop. Haunted eyes. Clenched teeth. Looking over a shoulder. Smiles.
Take what you see and identify the emotion it expresses while you're people watching anywhere.
You might be surprised by what you see.
And by what you learn.
Thoughts in Progress
Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery
Mason - I find it amazing.
Holly - LOL...I did, too when I wrote this.
Terry - Exactly. Somewhat like backstory in that regard.
Jane - Trial and error. Keep at it.
Joanne - I agree.
VR - Go for it!
Talli - Thanks.
Tossing It Out
Arlee - People are amazing.
Stephen - That's so true.
Teresa - I can see that. Concentration often results in a frown or clenched jaw. Probably some other things, too, but those come to the top of my head at the moment.
You've got a great blog here :)
Draven - Very true. I appreciate your comments. Come back any time.
I hope you are having a lovely week, Carol.
Everyone, go read Lola's blog post for today. You won't be sorry.
Ann - I'm glad I reminded you of what you already knew. We all need reminders of all kinds. Especially me :)