Friday's Top Ten

Top ten things about time:

10. It moves as fast as you do.

  9. Morning comes too early.

  8. When you need it, it's never there.

  7. If you have too much, there's nothing to do.

  6. Clocks

  5. Time Out / Time's Up / In Time / On Time / Over Time

  4. Right now!

  3. Einstein

  2. What does a light year really mean?

And the #1 thing about time:

  1. There's never enough. Ever.


Mason Canyon said…
Time does slip away from us faster every day it seems. Time is precious too.


Thoughts in Progress
Ann Best said…
Your number one is right on!
Writer said…
Hi Carol,
Time! We either have too much or too little. For us writer time is crucial. We wish there were more hours in the day :(
Time escapes like water through our fingers when we're working on a deadline. Ugh!
Aubrie said…
So true! When I have too much time, I have nothing to do- or nothing I want to do! (Chores are always there.)
Unknown said…
Ugh! Time. How I hate you so! I hate you and want more of you at the same time.

Laura Eno said…
Never enough. And the day can drag by but the months put on roller skates.
Have a great (fleeting) weekend!
Linda Kage said…
I think lunch breaks move faster than any other time of the day! Seriously, it's like I take one bite of my pathetic little microwave meal, and oh would you look at the time. TIME to get back to work. ugg.
Carol Kilgore said…
Mason - I know that feeling.

Ann - I'm putting in a request for 48-hour days.

Claudia - So true.

Aubrie - Chores are in a category all to themselves.

Clarissa - Well said.

Laura - Monday will arrive before you know it.
Carol Kilgore said…
Linda - Exactly! Welcome to the Tiki Hut :)
Arlee Bird said…
I like this Top Ten Time Topic and not just because it's alliterative.
Why does time go faster as you get older? My last forty years have gone by far faster than my first 18 years. If it could be meted out, what you prefer to have from your job? More money or more time?

Tossing It Out
And if you only have a little time, there's too much to do.
Elspeth Futcher said…
Time. Tricky beast. You can never tame it completely as each time you think you've got a leash on it, it gets away and bites you somewhere unpleasant.
Terry Odell said…
The task at hand will expand or contract to fill the time allotted. So you can never get ahead.

Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery
Elana Johnson said…
This is brilliant. I just started a novel about time. I so need a list like this.
Carol Kilgore said…
Arlee - I've read it's because when we're young, we've been here only a handful of years, so one year is an entire third, fourth, or fifth of our life. Now it isn't.

Holly - Smiling :)

Alex - You're right about that.

Elspeth - Yeah ... I still can't sit properly - LOL

Terry - So true.

Elana - Ask and you shall receive.
VR Barkowski said…
What Clarissa said - exactly!
Hi Carol - This is great!!! And so true. For me, it's #8. Where does it GO? Seriously.

Oh, and I love your bio about finding just the right word. It's so true.
Carol Kilgore said…
VR - The lady has a way with words.

RaShelle - If you find out, PLEASE let me know! Welcome to the Tiki Hut.
Hannah said…
Number seven is never true for me. Sigh. There's always something. :P
It pecks on the back of my neck, reminding me of all the things I need to do, though I try hard to avoid them.....then it slips through my fingers like silken cloth, the soft echoes of what could have been....time can be very precious and very cruel....
Carol Kilgore said…
Hannah - Isn't that the truth! Same here.

Jane - Certainly is for me.

Words Crafter - Nice! Thanks for visiting the Tiki Hut and posting.
Jan Morrison said…
in the mean time...
time after time...
in good time...
two-timing bastard...

is there time enough? is there actual time?
No - only now.
Summer Ross said…
This was a great post. There is never enough...
Carol Kilgore said…
Jan - and TEE time, too. Two-timing bastard ... I've met one or two.

Summer - Thank you. Thanks for visiting the Tiki Hut.
Great list. You are right there is never enough time. And time crawls or time flies depending on the situation. Now that I think about it time is wishy washy. There!

Carol Kilgore said…
Wishy washy. Good observation.
Shirley said…
Great list. I love #7. My problem is that sometimes when I DO have time, I'm just not motivated to do anything. I hate that.
Carol Kilgore said…
What does the Nike commercial say? "Just Do It!"

Maybe what you do is think. Or read. Or let your mind wander. Or go for a walk.

I think I'll blog about this tomorrow.
Conda Douglas said…
Oh my, do I ever agree with #1!!!
patti said…
LOVE this blog.

I actually use a scene dealing with light years in my third novel, coming out in January.

The concept has always muddled my brain!

Blessings, dear one.
Carol Kilgore said…
Conda - I'm thinking #1 is pretty universal.

Patti - I'm so happy you love visiting the Tiki Hut. I have muddled brain syndrome with light years, too.
Time, Time, Time... how can I stretch it? Should any one figure it out, please tell me the secret! :-)

Talli Roland said…
Too true! There never is enough of anything once we get a taste of it. What does that say about us humans? Yikes...
Carol Kilgore said…
Probably says things we don't want to think about, Talli.
Kathy McIntosh said…
So true! For example, I didn't find time on Friday to read your always entertaining Top Ten! Erk.
Sheila Deeth said…
Great list. maybe I'll use it as a screensaver.
notesfromnadir said…
Couldn't agree w/ you more about morning comes too early. WAY too early! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Kathy - See? Where DOES it go?

Sheila - Cool!

Lisa - Especially when you're not a natural morning person.
Anonymous said…
Very, very, very true.
