Friday's Top Ten

Top ten signs you REALLY need a vacation:

10. You yelled at the postman.

  9. You forgot to feed your pets.

  8. You had a good massage yet you can still bounce rocks off your neck muscles.

  7. You got lost on the way to your mom's.

  6. You believe someone is following you.

  5. You can't sleep.

  4. You forgot it's your week for car pool pick up.

  3. Each item on your To Do List has at least one side list.

  2. Two nights ago your dinner was wine and chocolate.

And the #1 sign you REALLY need a vacation:

 1. You forgot where you hid the last bottle of wine. All you remember is it's with the last bar of chocolate.


Mason Canyon said…
Now if you've reached #1 on the list, it is definitely time for a vacation. Can't lose those chocolate bars. :) Have a great weekend.

Thoughts in Progress
Joanne said…
I hope you have a vacation lined up soon? Happy Friday :)
Jayne said…
Oh I love number 2 on the list - so true! I have no vacations lined up so think I will just have to power through. Now where is that bar of chocolate? :)
How funny! And how true!
Oh, and I love the photo at the top of your blog.
Donna V.
Elspeth Futcher said…
This is brilliant. I say, forget the chocolate and just bring on the wine. It'll do wonders for relaxing those shoulder muscles and after a few glasses you won't care about the chocolate.
Oh gosh. I must need a vacation, too...and I just came back from one!
Helen Ginger said…
Love #1. And, seriously, someone is following me. I can feel them. Oh wait, that's my butt. Guess it's a good thing I can no longer find the chocolate.
Lydia Kang said…
# 1 is a tragedy. Must go on vacation!
Ha ha, this post was so funny!
Carol Kilgore said…
Mason - You have a great weekend, too.

Joanne - Happy Friday back!

Jayne - I hope you found your chocolate :)

Donna - Welcome to the Tiki Hut. I hope you'll be a frequent visitor. I love that photo, too - thanks to Google Images.

Elspeth - Yet another reason to believe we were separated at birth.

Elizabeth - Oh, no!

Helen - LOL! That's hilarious. Your comment, I mean....

Lydia - Thanks!
VR Barkowski said…
I always look forward to your Friday top ten, but this one disturbed me a little. Must. Find. Wine & chocolate. Pantry? Kitchen cupboard? Desk drawer? Ahhh....

Have a spectacular weekend!
Laura Eno said…
Another great list! I have #8 and #3...oh no, and #1 as well!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Southpaw said…
Ha! I love the #1.
notesfromnadir said…
I say if you can't find your chocolate you're in big trouble! A vacation is imminent! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
VR - I'm so glad you found your goodies!

Laura - Great weekend to you, too.

Holly - Thanks.

notesfromnadir - Oh yeah :)
Unknown said…
Oh man, do I need a vacation!
These are funny, thanks!

Ann Best said…
I love coming into the Tiki Hut. This is a very fun list. We all need a vacation from something. Right now I need a vacation from the HEAT WAVE all down the East coast. Virginia is in a SERIOUS drought. Just give me some dry western air!
Carol Kilgore said…
Clarissa - Glad you enjoyed.
Call 1-800-I-TRAVEL :)

Ann - I'm happy to bring some joy and smiles for you and everyone who visits. I agree there's something we all need a vacation from. I hope you'll cool off soon and enjoy some rain.
Natasha said…
The last would be quiet a tragedy!!!!

And I love the new look of your blog
Anonymous said…
Haha! Certainly sounds like a vacation is needed! And, omg, NEVER run out of chocolate or forget where the wine is. *shudder* Time to get another massage?
Carol Kilgore said…
Rayna - Yes, for sure about losing your wine. I'm glad you like the new look :)

Kimberly - A massage a day would be wonderful. Along with a glass of wine.
Anonymous said…
I was very much at the stage where I needed a vacation. I'm glad I went on holidays although I always get a bit anxious on returning because there are all these things to do.
Carol Kilgore said…
I know those feelings. I'm glad you're back and had a great time.
Sheila Deeth said…
That wine and chocolate sounds good, but I've only just got back from my vacation.
Carol Kilgore said…
Sheila, take a little time to get over it :)
