Whatever Wednesday
First, VR Barkowski presented me with the Sunshine Award. If you haven't visited her blog yet, go do it now . . . right after you finish reading here.
I love this! Makes me happy and warm. I want this flower growing in the bed outside my window so I can see it every day while I write. Thank you, VR :)
I'm passing the award to two other sunny blogs:
Elana Johnson
Holly Ruggiero at Scribbles and Splashes
Check them out, too!
Next up, M.Gray at The Ethos. The Logos. The Pathos. passed the SIX TRUTHS & A LIE game to me. My job is to tell you six truths and one lie about me. Yours is to spot the lie. Let's see how we do:
1. My mother taught me how to cook, and the first thing I did was not put any water in the pot of potatoes. It got worse from there.
2. I drive a Smart Car.
3. My sister and I finish each other's sentences. Still.
4. When I was a little girl I loved to climb trees, and I'm surprised I never fell out of one.
5. I broke my arm when I was seven by falling off my bike.
6. My awesome live-in handyman spoils me, and I love it.
7. I hate housework.
Go for it. I tried to make it easy.
And last - but not least - is an announcement. On Friday I'll host my first-ever guest blogger. So you'll be spared one week of the Top Ten.
My guest will be Stephen D. Rogers, a prolific short mystery writer, as part of his month-long SHOT TO DEATH Blog March. He'll talk about how one of the stories from his collection grew out of the first line.
For more information on Stephen, you can visit his website at http://www.stephendrogers.com/.
Stephen will be available throughout the day Friday to respond and answer questions. So please stop by and pick his brain.
I love this! Makes me happy and warm. I want this flower growing in the bed outside my window so I can see it every day while I write. Thank you, VR :)
I'm passing the award to two other sunny blogs:
Elana Johnson
Holly Ruggiero at Scribbles and Splashes
Check them out, too!
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Next up, M.Gray at The Ethos. The Logos. The Pathos. passed the SIX TRUTHS & A LIE game to me. My job is to tell you six truths and one lie about me. Yours is to spot the lie. Let's see how we do:
1. My mother taught me how to cook, and the first thing I did was not put any water in the pot of potatoes. It got worse from there.
2. I drive a Smart Car.
3. My sister and I finish each other's sentences. Still.
4. When I was a little girl I loved to climb trees, and I'm surprised I never fell out of one.
5. I broke my arm when I was seven by falling off my bike.
6. My awesome live-in handyman spoils me, and I love it.
7. I hate housework.
Go for it. I tried to make it easy.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And last - but not least - is an announcement. On Friday I'll host my first-ever guest blogger. So you'll be spared one week of the Top Ten.
My guest will be Stephen D. Rogers, a prolific short mystery writer, as part of his month-long SHOT TO DEATH Blog March. He'll talk about how one of the stories from his collection grew out of the first line.
For more information on Stephen, you can visit his website at http://www.stephendrogers.com/.
Stephen will be available throughout the day Friday to respond and answer questions. So please stop by and pick his brain.
I'm guessing the smart car is a lie.
And thanks for the award!!
Elana - You deserve a little sunshine because your blog brightens my day. And you didn't pick the Smart Car.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for the links to check out. :)
Mystery Writing is Murder
I promise to fess up sometime after I get home from a teeth cleaning appointment tomorrow afternoon.
Straight From Hel
Congrats and thanks too.
As to which of your statements if false, I'm going to take a guess that it's #1.
Okay, I promised to confess. Here we go.
1. My mother taught me how to cook, and the first thing I did was not put any water in the pot of potatoes. It got worse from there. TRUE. The worse was the rest of that meal. Not appetizing when the smell of burned potatoes permeates the air. I'm happy to say I've pretty much overcome cooking problems. People like my food.
2. I drive a Smart Car. TRUE. Got a lot of you on that one. She's red with a silver stripe and her name is Lulu. I love her because she's a blast to drive. We do have a larger car, too.
3. My sister and I finish each other's sentences. Still. TRUE. Twins born years apart.
4. When I was a little girl I loved to climb trees, and I'm surprised I never fell out of one. TRUE. Skinned knees but no falls.
5. I broke my arm when I was seven by falling off my bike. LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE! I broke my ankle a few years ago but never my arm.
6. My awesome live-in handyman spoils me, and I love it. TRUE. Sigh :)
7. I hate housework. TRUE. With a passion.
Thanks for playing along.