Friday's Top Ten

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Top ten colors of spring:

10. Cherry Blossom

  9. New Leaf

  8. Daffodil

  7. Strawberry

  6. Robin's Egg

  5. Hyacinth

  4. Pear

  3. Mango

  2. Ocean

And the #1 color of spring:

  1. Flamingo


Mason Canyon said…
I love seeing the daffodi (buttercups) blooming.
Elspeth Futcher said…
We've had spring here for a few weeks - which you'll know if you saw the cherry blossoms when you were watching the Winter Olympics.

I adore flamingos. They're so beautiful and so awkward at the same time.
Mary Gray said…
Haha, you said flamingo. You must have a great sense of humor. :)
Joanne said…
That's what's Spring is all about, color! Whether embellished on our galoshes, or blooming in the daffodils, it's something to smile about after a long cold winter :)
Carol Kilgore said…
I love color. And flamingos!
Helen Ginger said…
We have daffodils coming up. They're so pretty.

I like the color flamingo. I'd never thought of it as a color, though.

Straight From Hel
Aubrie said…
We don't have much blooming up here in NH. Just a few bulbs coming up here and there. I can't wait to see all of those colors, though. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Helen - Flamingos come in all colors, depending on what they eat, from white to red. Even Plastic Pink :)

Aubrie - We've had spring for a few weeks. But it's supposed to be near freezing over the weekend. Sigh.
Marisa Birns said…
Spring has arrived in DC, it seems. So happy even though I'm more of an Autumn person.

But three blizzards in one winter has left us all weary of the cold.

We are all looking forward to Cherry Blossom pink, since they will bloom at the end of the month and I will go paddle boating on the Potomac River to admire them.
I'm soooo excited it's spring!! This winter has been from Hades...

Mystery Writing is Murder
Carol Kilgore said…
Marisa - What a great way to view the cherry blossoms!

Elizabeth - I'm right with you.
Laura Eno said…
Ha Ha! Flamingo...
Nice set of colors you have there!
VR Barkowski said…
Can't wait for my first Spring in Georgia. Azaleas are already blooming out front, daffodils are popping out by the curb and new leaves adorn the trees out back. But where am I going to find a flamingo?
Carol Kilgore said…
Thanks, Laura.

VR ... spring in new places is always great. Good luck on that flamingo!
We're just getting started here in Maryland, so green is the color or spring. Cherry blossoms coming soon, though. :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Too hot in the summer for cherry trees here. Our lemon tree is blooming, though.
Anonymous said…
Mmmm.... mango. I am choosing to ignore "Flamingo" as eye-searing pink has a habit of getting stuck in my brain. Seriously. Just finished reading a Barney book to my son about colors and the pink paintbrush goes around tickling all the flamingos. And, yeah spring!!! :)
Carol Kilgore said…
Just think of it this way ... instead of gray matter, you have a Pink Flamingo brain. Barney would like it :)
