Animal Care

Over to the right of this post - or at the top right of the blog, if you're scrolling down to read this - is a link to the Animal Rescue Site.

One click over, one click there, and you help to feed shelter animals across the world.

I want to bring this to your attention right now for two reasons.

The site has begun a new Shelter Challenge.

Please take the time to choose a shelter in your area and vote for it every day. After you choose a shelter, it will pop up automatically and the entire process might take thirty seconds each day.

The overall shelter winner receives $100,000 for improving the lives of the animals it cares for. The grants go down from that, but there are also winners in each state. And I think in each country, but I'm not certain about that.

I know we're concerned about the people of Haiti and are donating to help in that tragic situation.

When world events, especially tragic ones, occur, we tend to forget about the little everyday things.

Please don't forget about the animals during this time. They depend on us and need our help every day.


Hi, Carol, great job of promoting care of animals. I clicked over and it was pretty painless. A point...You have to scroll down the page a bit to find the text link that takes you to the screen asking your state. From there, it's super easy.

Remember, animals can't help themselves.

Best Wishes Galen.
Imagineering Fiction Blog
Carol Kilgore said…
Thanks, Galen, and thanks for clicking over, too. I didn't remember the part about scrolling down because my shelter of choice came up from the last challenge.

Anyone without a favorite shelter, you're welcome to adopt mine:
Animal Defense League of Texas
San Antonio, Texas
Mason Canyon said…
Animals do need our help and love. Thanks for the reminder.
Anonymous said…
Excellent post and thank you very much for calling my attention to this site. It's so very true- we oft times need reminders to look in our own neighborhoods and see where we can focus our efforts and I certainly appreciate your giving me one.
Laura Eno said…
This is such a great thing that they do and signing up for their daily email reminder makes it a no-brainer.
Thanks for posting this!
Kathy McIntosh said…
Thanks for the daily reminder. I used to be good about going there, but having it up on your blog is great.
Carol Kilgore said…
Thanks. I hope YOUR shelter benefits, too.
Helen Ginger said…
Thanks Carol. I'm going to pop over and check to see if it lists the Austin Zoo, which is a rescue zoo. It may not be, but I think it's a great program.

Straight From Hel
Carol Kilgore said…
Sounds good, Helen. I hope you found it on the list.
Elspeth Futcher said…
What a good soul you are, Carol. I'm sure all the animals are applauding with their paws. (which would be applawding, of course).
Carol Kilgore said…
Applawding! I love it :)
