Regroup? Surely You Jest.


And just when I had a plan.

One of my relatives is having a personal crisis and has come here for a few days for some R&R - that would be rave and rant.

I'm so happy she did because she needs to know she has people rooting for her and people firmly on her side and people who love her.

But my regrouping is a little out of the question right now. Maybe I can cram it all into Sunday.

Or Monday.

Because I have to get started on the manuscript again.

I will finish the sucker by January 31.

I will.

And the book I was going to start?

I read the cover.

But that's the way it is.

People first.


Conda Douglas said…
Your holiday sounds like mine, Carol. Do you find, like me, that keeping the writing in mind helps keep you sane?
Laura Eno said…
Well, Rants and Raves are what gives one fodder for the book. :)
Helen Ginger said…
I knew R&R did not stand for rest and relaxation! While your visitor is there, try to get a bit of rest. You may not have the chance after she leaves as you'll be trying madly to finish your deadline.

Straight From Hel
Ohhh. I've got some of that going on right now, too! Oh well. I guess we just have to work around it as best as possible.

Mystery Writing is Murder
Mason Canyon said…
It's good that you are there for her even though it does throw you off schedule. Besides, what are schedules anyway?

Good start on the book. :) Try to relax a little yourself. Keep telling yourself - it will get better, it will get better.
Mason Canyon said…
Dropping back in. When you have a chance, drop by Thoughts in Progress - I have an award for you.
Carol Kilgore said…
Conda - YES!

Laura - Let me just say, there's a TON of fodder. Interesting fodder.

Helen - Bedtime was almost 2 a.m. And tonight's New Year's Eve. Maybe I can scratch out time for a nap. I hope.

Elizabeth - You're right. Being there for a friend is important. So is maintaining our equilibrium.

Mason - It will get better. It will. Thank you. And thank you for my second Honest Scrap Award. You'll see my personal scrap next week :)
