Circles and Cycles
The more things change . . . the more they stay the same.
Have you noticed?
I think the change of seasons has put me in a reflective mood. Or maybe it's that I'm writing a flashback this morning to when a now older man first went to war.
Seasons change. In July we forget about the snows of January. And in February, its hard to believe the ground will ever be ready to plant sunny flowers. But in February, the days slowly lengthen and one day - like magic - it's warm.
It's Wednesday as I write this. Monday our temps here in Sunny San Antonio were mid-90s. We've been in an extreme drought situation for a year. On Tuesday it rained. All day. Lovely rain. Today we have 60s.
It won't last. We'll be back to 90 by the weekend. But fall arrived on schedule.
Circles and cycles are all around us, not just with seasons, like morning follows night.
Politics. Fashion. Books. You name it.
Individuals, whether politicians, designers, writers, or others, put unique stamps on each cycle, but the full circle comes around again.
Take fashion. Hemlines go up and down and up again. The look goes from structured to loose and flowing. From sleek to layered. From simple to intricate design.
The same with our lives. Our rainy days allow us to appreciate the sunny ones all the more. When we slam our fingers in the car door - and yes, I have done that, but not recently - we know eventually we'll be able to move them again.
So smile. That light at the end of the tunnel might not be an approaching train after all.
Have you noticed?
I think the change of seasons has put me in a reflective mood. Or maybe it's that I'm writing a flashback this morning to when a now older man first went to war.
Seasons change. In July we forget about the snows of January. And in February, its hard to believe the ground will ever be ready to plant sunny flowers. But in February, the days slowly lengthen and one day - like magic - it's warm.
It's Wednesday as I write this. Monday our temps here in Sunny San Antonio were mid-90s. We've been in an extreme drought situation for a year. On Tuesday it rained. All day. Lovely rain. Today we have 60s.
It won't last. We'll be back to 90 by the weekend. But fall arrived on schedule.
Circles and cycles are all around us, not just with seasons, like morning follows night.
Politics. Fashion. Books. You name it.
Individuals, whether politicians, designers, writers, or others, put unique stamps on each cycle, but the full circle comes around again.
Take fashion. Hemlines go up and down and up again. The look goes from structured to loose and flowing. From sleek to layered. From simple to intricate design.
The same with our lives. Our rainy days allow us to appreciate the sunny ones all the more. When we slam our fingers in the car door - and yes, I have done that, but not recently - we know eventually we'll be able to move them again.
So smile. That light at the end of the tunnel might not be an approaching train after all.
I've enjoyed the summer - and we've had much higher temperatures than normal up in my little corner of the world as well! (I'm near Vancouver, British Columbia). I look forward to cool fall days...but know grey November is coming.
Straight From Hel
Helen - Everything goes at one time in our house. Or so it seems. As long as we have air conditioning I can deal with the other.
Herr, es ist Zeit, der Sommer war sehr groß.
Leg Deinen Schatten auf die Sonnenuhren, und auf den Feldern mach die Winde los...
(Lord, it is time now, it has been a large summer.
Lay your shadows on the sundials, and on the fields let loose the winds...)
and it ends:
Wer jetzt allein ist, wird es lange bleiben,
wird wachen, lesen, lange Briefe schreiben,
und wird in den Alleen hin und her unruhig wandern, wenn die Blätter treiben.
(If you are alone now, you will remain so for a long time,
you will walk down the alleys restlessly, while the leaves are being blown about)
Thank you for reminding me that it is all part of a circle.
And thank you for your comment on mine!
Jane - We're a Coast Guard family and spent some time in Miami. I loved it, but seasons are nice, too.