Name It and Claim It

A million thoughts are fluttering in and out of my mind this morning.

I love listening to mockingbirds sing, even when one wakes me up in the night.

Today I'm going to clean out the downstairs closet where I've stuffed everything I didn't know what to do with.

Will this economic mess ever improve?

I've enjoyed the rain all week, and we desperately need more, but I'm ready to see sunshine again.

Today I'm going to finish the chapter I'm working on.

I love our new home.

There must be a trick to winning the lottery.


Kids are so cute.

I still need to go to the library.

I wonder how many loads of laundry I'll have today?

Maybe I should try to focus.


Focus? What's focus?

And the better question: why?

Have a great day!
Carol Kilgore said…
Ah! Someone who understands!
