Where Has This Day Gone

December is a crazy time of year. Crazy busy. Crazy fun. Crazy wild.

My live-in handyman and I also took time out to watch a movie, as if we had nothing else to do except be folks of leisure. Ha!

Just had another interruption. I love life!

Since this is so late, I'll just keep it short.

Tomorrow I'll post about writing.


Anonymous said…
It says something about one's social life, when you're answering or posting to a blog on a Sunday night. And I'm in Tacoma where we have about 10 inches of snow and no idea of how to get about. My dog and I went out for a walk. Figure it's good exercise for both of us, as I have to sort of stride, knees high, like I'm in a marching band.

Now on to some serious writing with A Rum Mystery. Set in Antigua, it will be a leap of faith and imagination to put myself and my characters into 90 degree weather and facomg a strong, trade wind carrying exotic scents.

Okay,m Carol, I think I'm kind, sort of motivated.

Happy holidays.

BTW, Google flipped me some "Patricia Harrington" metnions and took me to your blog.

Happy Holidays!

Kevin R. Tipple said…
one could always watch repeats of DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER. Of course, when they are in Denver taht kind of kills the idea.

We have no snow, but are warned of freezing rain by morning. This is not why we live in North Texas.

(who also got a google deal about little old me and here)
Carol Kilgore said…
Good for Google! I'm glad you both found the Tiki Hut.
