The Cheese Spirits Are Here - Bring Crackers!
Guess who's visiting here this week? The lovely Crystal Collier!
We know Crystal loves cheese, so I checked my fridge.
Monterey Jack
Queso Fresco
Sharp Cheddar
And leftover cheesecake.
We're a cheezy bunch :)
Somewhere in there Crystal should get her fill. I hope.
I'm now handing the cheese over to Crystal ♥
First of all, huge thanks, Carol, for inviting me here today!
With the release of my second novel, SOULLESS, I've come to realize that every book has its tricky aspects.
While writing a series that deals with time manipulation, I've come across my fair share of pitfalls. Ready to bend your brain?
1. Memories: If you could step through time, you'd find yourself in a place where you remembered events that have yet to take place. Say, the Berlin wall coming down. The fall of the Roman empire. How would that mess with your interactions with others?
2. Paradoxes: So he saved the day, but then the person he saved stepped through time and saved him. But, what if they didn't? Then the whole time stream would collapse, right?
3. Crossing paths with one's self or ancestors: What if you accidentally influenced your ancestor to take a different path? What if you accidentally (or intentionally) influenced yourself to take a different path? Does the current you cease to exist?
4. Forgetting someone doesn't know you: When seeing someone you care about or met three years in the future, you might react on instinct. There's no denying the lighting up of your eyes when you recognize someone, but what if you slipped and went too far?
5. Learning HOW to control time: Alexia has trouble with this. She even over shoots once. Almost to the detriment of those she's trying to help. Oops. Imagine if you overshot by a century or so? (Not saying my characters do that.)


7. Anachronisms: This is a fancy word for taking customs, events etc. to a time where they don't belong. How about a hand shake, a piece of history or governing aspect, a word that has yet to come into existence?
8. Food: It's no small secret that people have eaten differently throughout the ages. What if your stomach couldn't tolerate the current foods?
9. Sickness: Same as food. What if you didn't have the same immunity as 90% of the population, and contracted a common illness, and died?
10. Language/reading: Unless you're blessed with a Tardis, how on this holy earth are you supposed to communicate with people from a different era?
So if you ever come across an author staring into space with a pained expression on his/her face, now you know why. Give them a wedge of cheese, a pat on the shoulder, and assure them the world is not about to explode. They'll appreciate it.
Crystal Collier is a young adult author who pens dark fantasy, historical, and romance hybrids. She can be found practicing her brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. She has lived from coast to coast and now calls Florida home with her creative husband, three littles, and “friend” (a.k.a. the zombie locked in her closet). Secretly, she dreams of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese. You can find her on her blog, Facebook, Goodreads, or follow her on Twitter.
MOONLESS: Alexia must choose safety and an arranged marriage, or true love and being hunted by the Soulless every moonless night.
SOULLESS: When Alexia's wedding is destroyed by the Soulless—who then steal the only protection her people have—she's forced to unleash her true power and risk losing everything.
Any brain benders you can add about time manipulation? Have you ever wanted to time travel, and if so, to when?
We know Crystal loves cheese, so I checked my fridge.
Monterey Jack
Queso Fresco
Sharp Cheddar
And leftover cheesecake.
We're a cheezy bunch :)
Somewhere in there Crystal should get her fill. I hope.
I'm now handing the cheese over to Crystal ♥
First of all, huge thanks, Carol, for inviting me here today!
With the release of my second novel, SOULLESS, I've come to realize that every book has its tricky aspects.
While writing a series that deals with time manipulation, I've come across my fair share of pitfalls. Ready to bend your brain?
Top Ten Troubles with Twisting Time
1. Memories: If you could step through time, you'd find yourself in a place where you remembered events that have yet to take place. Say, the Berlin wall coming down. The fall of the Roman empire. How would that mess with your interactions with others?
2. Paradoxes: So he saved the day, but then the person he saved stepped through time and saved him. But, what if they didn't? Then the whole time stream would collapse, right?
4. Forgetting someone doesn't know you: When seeing someone you care about or met three years in the future, you might react on instinct. There's no denying the lighting up of your eyes when you recognize someone, but what if you slipped and went too far?
5. Learning HOW to control time: Alexia has trouble with this. She even over shoots once. Almost to the detriment of those she's trying to help. Oops. Imagine if you overshot by a century or so? (Not saying my characters do that.)

6. Learning your limits: Does traveling through time have a cost?
Physical strain?
Financial? Technological?

7. Anachronisms: This is a fancy word for taking customs, events etc. to a time where they don't belong. How about a hand shake, a piece of history or governing aspect, a word that has yet to come into existence?
8. Food: It's no small secret that people have eaten differently throughout the ages. What if your stomach couldn't tolerate the current foods?
9. Sickness: Same as food. What if you didn't have the same immunity as 90% of the population, and contracted a common illness, and died?
10. Language/reading: Unless you're blessed with a Tardis, how on this holy earth are you supposed to communicate with people from a different era?
So if you ever come across an author staring into space with a pained expression on his/her face, now you know why. Give them a wedge of cheese, a pat on the shoulder, and assure them the world is not about to explode. They'll appreciate it.

MOONLESS: Alexia must choose safety and an arranged marriage, or true love and being hunted by the Soulless every moonless night.
SOULLESS: When Alexia's wedding is destroyed by the Soulless—who then steal the only protection her people have—she's forced to unleash her true power and risk losing everything.
Any brain benders you can add about time manipulation? Have you ever wanted to time travel, and if so, to when?
Diane--agreed. I've studied my fair share of linguistic etymology, and it amazing how quickly a language evolves.
Don't cross the streams! LOL
Carol, you forgot Brie and smoked Gouda. How could you not stock Brie and smoked Gouda! :P
I'll bring havarti to the party.
Holly--I'll take the Havarti and raise you muenster and fontina!
Holly and Crystal - Havarti is one of my favorites, too :)
I often feel that I don't belong, and don't know the societal codes in the here and now. Perhaps I am time travelling... A good excuse anyway.
Stephen--ah. You're that guy. ;)
Crystal - Yay for the new book and for mastering the intricacies of time travel!
Helena, aw, thanks. Not all people are fit to travel space and time, eh? I suppose that's why I just write about it. Yes, that's it. *hiding time machine behind the fridge*
Stephen - Smart man!
Lexa - It's always a different variety. Currently we're heaving on cooking cheese and light on sandwich and snacking ones. But we always have a few.
I think writing a time travel book definitely has a lot to it. Authors have to think of so many logistics. Great job to all that can do it! I have always thought it would be interesting to time travel, but I guess if I ever get the chance to do so I will have to think about the dangers!
I think writing a time travel book definitely has a lot to it. Authors have to think of so many logistics. Great job to all that can do it! I have always thought it would be interesting to time travel, but I guess if I ever get the chance to do so I will have to think about the dangers!
So many things to be wary/aware of with time travel - but it's so much fun! :)
Janie - I love featuring other authors.
Julie - Fun is good :)
J. Lenni--I know. Kind of makes you hungry, eh?
DMS--Yay! It's that riddler brain of yours. ;)
Jemi--I totally agree. Time travel is just too fun.
Beth--Hah! It's all about the music, eh?
Jan--I know she didn't raid my fridge because she was missing the muenster.
Janie--I know, right? I feel so honored.
Empty Nest--Maybe your in need of a time machine more than the rest of us. ;)
Morgan--Yay! I'm stoked for you to read my work. =D
And I know Crystal's love for cheese-- here's sending some more her way!
Thanks for this post, Karol, it was a fun read.
Hi Carol! Be prepared to be soaked today. You are our honored dunkee for the Drench-a-wench Realms Faire event. Splash! :)
TMB--Sounds like you're set for a party!
Christine--I totally know what you mean. We learn from our poor decisions, eh?
Carol - I'm here to drench you in love. You're the official dunkee for today's Realms Faire ;)
The communication thing would be hard. Even in the 1800's people talked very differently. Going back farther, English barely seems like English. I had to read the original Beowulf in college. Argh! It took hours to read a page, because even words I knew had different meanings.
You've been drenched, Carol! :)
Now, about that dunking....
I like this drench a wench game. And thanks for the cheese, I brought crackers.
Thank you, Christine!
And thanks to dolorah for the crackers :)
Wibbley wobbley timey wimey stuff -- glad I'm not the one who has to make it all work out.
I'm here to 'drench-a-wench' as instructed by the Realms Faire hostess.
So regard yourself duly drenched in a special dose of H2O!
Yay! Nice to see Crystal here today!
I read this post Caerphilly, because it's cheesy to please you.
Yay to Crystal and yay to Carol.
Gouda go now....
Gary :)
Thanks, all ♥
Oh and Carol I'll drench you with love not water.
Time travel is fun to imagine but way too complicated to include in my writing.
LD - I love reading time travel, but I'm sure I'd mess up a lot if I tried writing it.
I've never been much of cheese person but dibs on that cheesecake!
VR Barkowski
I've got some horseradish cheddar, bacon cheddar, and smoked Gouda to add to the spread...
VR - I'll email you the last slice :)
Susan - Yay for more cheese!
Milo - Me, too :)
Mary--I know! The way language evolves is baffling--even over just a couple decades. I mean, think about political correctness and phrases from the 80's you could be strung up for these days.
Cherie--Thanks so much!
Loni--It's pretty intense, eh?
Elizabeth! --Hi!
Dolorah--to put it simply. =)
Nicki--We need the cheese to supply the brainpower for this kind of mental exertion. ;)
*waves at Michelle*
Gary! --Did you break into my basement and hijack the time machine? I wondered where it went. ;)
Sheena-kay -- There are so many stories involving time where I just sit back and laugh--because many of these issues are completely ignored.
LD--Ooh! I'll take it (the cheese that is). Mmm...
Keith--I suppose there is the occasion when writers get lazy...
VR--We won't ask you to warp your brain further. Here, have the cheesecake to keep you kicking. =)
Susan--Mmm! Thanks for the cheesy additions. I agree with you. It would be awesome to go back and meet my parents before they became responsible adults.
Medeia--They do usually do a good job, or we just don't think beyond what we're presented as the audience. =)
Carol--Thanks again so much for having me. You're the cheesiest host yet, and you totally deserve a cheese badge of honor.