Awards Wednesday

Let's get right to it.

Summer Ross at My Inner Fairy presented me with the Memetastic Award:

Balloons, stars, confetti, and an out of control teddy bear. What's not to like!

If you haven't visited Summer's blog, give it a go. Make sure to read the great quote in her header.

In order to accept this award, I have to tell four truths and one lie and pass the award to others.

  • I'm a Texan.
  • I have two furry children.
  • Three of my best friends are former roommates.
  • It took me four tries to learn to juggle.
  • Five things I love: Mexican food, the smell of rain, mockingbird songs, a good massage, the beach.

I'm passing the Memetastic Award to:

Laura Eno at A Shift in Dimensions
Donna Hole
Tara at Feel of Something New
J.L. Campbell at The Character Depot
The Rainy Day Wanderer

From the multi-talented VR Barkowski I picked up the Happy Blogger Award:

Go visit VR. You'll be glad you did. Good stuff there with every post.

LOVE this award :)
I like sunflowers.
I like the total look of it
I LOVE that I don't have to do anything with the award to accept it!

I'm passing this award to these bloggers because visiting their blogs never fails to make me happy:

Elspeth Antonelli at It's a Mystery
Lydia Kang at The Word is My Oyster
Manzanita at Wanna Buy a Duck

Thanks for the awards. I hope all the recipients have fun with them.

Go visit. Have Fun. Meet some new friends.

See you Friday!


The Happy Whisk saidā€¦
Congrats and Happy Eating :-)
Joanne saidā€¦
Hm, I'd say the juggling is a lie. I'm just not seeing it ...

But Congrats on your Awards, and thanks for the links :)
Carol Kilgore saidā€¦
Happy Whisk - Thanks!

Joanne - You win the prize :) Some days I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time.
Linda Kage saidā€¦
Congrats to you and your winners! Does your happy place have anything to do with getting a massage on the beach while listening to mockinbirds and eating Mexican right before a nice rain shower? Yeah, I thought so!!
Laura Eno saidā€¦
Congrats on the awards and thank you, Carol! Out of control teddy bears are the best!
Summer Ross saidā€¦
Congrats on the awards :) I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and I'm not sure what you lie is- I'll have to guess- hmm it didn't take you four tries to learn to juggle?
Carol Kilgore saidā€¦
Linda - You caught me :)

Laura - I thought you'd pick right up on that.

Summer - Can't juggle :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Congrats on the awards!

Wow, learning to juggle in four tries--a natural talent! :D
J.L. Campbell saidā€¦
Thanks very much Carol. I'll be passing this on one in the post I plan to do on Saturday.
Maryannwrites saidā€¦
Congrats on the awards. they are richly deserved. And thanks for the intro to some new, interesting blogs.

BTW, I, too, love the sunflower one.
VR Barkowski saidā€¦
Congrats on that adorable award! First time I've seen it. And thank you for the sweet shout-out and links. I see a couple of new must-visit blogs. :)
Doralynn Kennedy saidā€¦
That was a fun post. Absolutely love the smell of rain and the sound of it on my roof at night. Thanks for commenting on my interview at Joy's blog... The Character Depot. Doralynn
Lydia Kang saidā€¦
Congrats on your awards! I love mine, thank you. It's so pretty!
Carol Kilgore saidā€¦
lbdiamond - yeah, a natural talent NOT!

J.L. - You're welcome.

Maryann - Enjoy them.

VR - Cool...go visit!

Doralynn - I love the sound of rain, too. Thanks for stopping by!

Lydia - You're welcome. I think it's pretty, too.
Southpaw saidā€¦
Itā€™s the juggling! Congrats on the awards.
Alex J. Cavanaugh saidā€¦
Congratulations and thanks for reminding me I have an award I'm still hoarding...
Talli Roland saidā€¦
Look at you and the awards - congrats! I am the original award hoarder. I must get on that!
Carol Kilgore saidā€¦
Holly - Yay! Of course it's the juggling. I actually have tried. It was a disaster. Darn near killed myself.

Alex - No problem :)

Talli - If I don't do them within a few weeks, they get lost on the list.
Manzanita saidā€¦
Congrats on your awards, my Texas Gal. Well deserved. You honor me by passing on the Happy Blogger sunflower. Love that flower. I think there are 2 of us who like to be happy. Thanks.
PS.... I had trouble getting this on. Hope you don't get 3 of them... Ha
The Words Crafter saidā€¦
Awwww, thank you for thinking of me :) And congratulations on these lovely awards!!!

There are a couple of bloggers I'm not familiar with. I will come back tomorrow and check them out. My energy spurt from yesterday has worn me out, lol!

Have a great St. Patrick's Day!
Carol Kilgore saidā€¦
Manzanita - Only arrived once. Happy is good :)

Words Crafter - Happy St. Paddy's back!
Arlee Bird saidā€¦
You would have to mention juggling. I wish you could since the world needs more jugglers, but I think that must be the lie.

Tossing It Out
Carol Kilgore saidā€¦
Arlee - Juggling is definitely the lie. I'm the world's original klutz.
Unknown saidā€¦
Do you love TexMex or actual Mexican food?

I can figure out a code but you had me stuck on "furry" children. It took me a few minutes to realize they're pets. They are pets, right?

Congrats on the award.
Carol Kilgore saidā€¦
Clarissa - Both. And Southwestern. I draw the line at some things, though. Like menudo. And a couple other more exotic items.

Yes, they are pets. My sweeties :)
Tara saidā€¦
Congrats on the awards, and thanks so much for passing one on to me :)
Carol Kilgore saidā€¦
Tara - My pleasure :)
